Last event of Selona I support bringing back the balance of Ichor drops. But now on second thoughts I no longer support the fixing of necromancer drops. There have been too many events that has been primarily focused on the big players and spenders, specially for top 10, 50 and 100 tier rewards. When I see the crestplates and how the totems drop now, that it gives more for smalls than for bigs in a HTE, I can conclude on my opinion: This event, in terms of Necromancer's Totem is MEANT to favor smalls, NOT for large players when it comes to HTE. Especially with the crestplates in place. As a 140mcs player I have experienced that I got lesser totem drops than people who are smaller than me even if I cruxed up or xtaled. And it's not hurting me at all, honestly. Because, I am already strong enough in everything else!
Sean, you're the type of player benefiting from this event, anyone over 150-200m cs gets crappy drops so ofc it's not hurting you lol
How about you stop crying and realise that not everything in this game is tailored for you just because you throw your bank balance at it
I'm on those peoples sides give me money give me money give me money give me money give me money give me money give me money give me money give me money give me money give me money give me money give me money give me money give me money give me money give me money give me money give me money give me money give me money give me money give me money give me money
The game is 7 years old with a one star rating. There is nobody new. The devs don't need to cater to the big spenders because they are already spending. The goal would be to milk the smaller players and the alts. The end game is almost upon us.
I HAFT to agree with op here, while I'm all for smaller players getting a little extra to help boost growth. I'm against putting the screws to larger players. Large players are the size they are for 1-2 reasons. 1.They have been around ages w/o quitting or reseting. 2.They spend a TON of RL money on Kaw. Either way, shows a commitment that should be rewarded rather than punished. Personally these tokens do absolutely nothing for me as I do not plan to drop build & change. However I agree & support giving them to smaller players. Lastly, You are supposed to get what you put into this game. Meaning, if your huge from years of play they should properly reward your loyalty. If you spend tons of cash on this game you should get your money's worth. Zta is a Premium Battle, granted it's as easy as WB. However it costs RL money to start.
When it comes to land tokens I don't believe they are trying to bridge any gap now I've thought about it. You will probably see new levels to ll hl HF and abyss in the very near future.
Nope all building and land updates are being postponed as mentioned in a previous thread by ATA awhile ago. The tokens are trying to help people catch up for the new lands the have planned eventually.
As far as i know that plunder does offset it to ran same eb 2 different size accounts ssame actions and big one made 35+ more
How do necromancer drops bridge the gap? Does that make you grow faster or increase the amount of gold made per eb? explain it
How do i say this simpily Lb is 1.2Billion CS and theres huge gap between 0-20Mil cs and rest of kaw[/quote] How do necromancer drops bridge the gap? Does that make you grow faster or increase the amount of gold made per eb? explain it[/quote] Aight forgive me if this ends up long idk how will be: Alright currently Lb is 1.2BCS right and prettly much everyone one on ranked LB is over 160Milcs (overall) and making money faster then a hot Prostitute (forgive the terms but its true) so at this point newer players with never catch up to anyone who already has a decent size done and having smaller players make more items allows them to get more items for event done so then they can gert further along a bit easier ( the chest plates are also for mostly new players) and having it they get more items theyt get both more money and can do a fair bit of upgrading done with the crests
We aren't talking about tokens or gold totem Pieces are the items you use to upgrade the sword for the event NOT THE ITEMS USED ON YOUR RANKING
As mentioned earlier, I don't know if the drop rates are skewed, but I think we're all missing the point here. No player should have to play longer hours or spend more money for the same rewards as another player. In my eyes (I can't speak for devs) these events should be rewarded for activity levels and number of successful actions. If your hitting harder ebs you get slightly bigger rewards, if your finishing ebs faster your getting more rewards in PROPORTION to your size. Players my size shouldn't be getting equipment that is maxed out when a player 100x my size can't . The game should stay in proportion. Players should instead have opportunities to level up the equipment at a later date or when they're bigger. Reward activity and provide = opportunities to everyone. Aloe for players to catch up and you will keep everyone happy Thanks for reading