Fit girls ok? First off...abs are some of the hardest muscles to tone. Magazine models don't even walk around real life with those super cut abs! It's more about getting rid of the stuff obscuring the abs than it is about developing the abs themselves. You're dealing with fat, but also water and general bloating. I saw some dairy on that list. Google "dairy belly." Even if you're not lactose intolerant, you're body will still swell a little (or for some people a lot!) in the belly area. As far as working out goes: don't just overload on sit-ups. add some body rotation exercises, and some isometric work as well. Planks, leg raises and rotations and even a punching bag are nice change ups. Hope that helps a little!
Lol is this real , a discussion about personal fitness in kaw forums and dudes abs pics lol , what a bunch off w⚓️s
Like lots folks said, it's all on your diet. Clean it up, no deep fried food, no fries, no hot pocket. Eat lots more veggie n at least 150g protein. Keep -500 to 1000 calories daily to lose 1-2 lbs weekly. As for workout, cardio helps you drop weight and you should try 1 hr 4 timed a week, perabbly 5x. Do SQUAT and heavy deep squat, go at least parrellel to floor and do 5 sets of 5 reps. Learn to do squat properly first. Second would be plank n side plank. Sit-ups are ok. Reality is this. Do you want to eat and hangout with your friends or do you want a 6 pack abs. Someone said it, having n maintaining a 6 pack is hard. You can't really drink with friends. At group event, you can only eat just a little bit. Thanksgiving n xmas is coming up, very hard to stay on a diet. Good luck man.
️ good call. 1. Diet is 80% of your battle, and 2. Strange as it seems, squats and other strength training movements (with proper form-otherwise you'll have a 6-pack and crap knees/back) are better than cardio, and safer too (fewer moving parts than something as complex as running).
Do not listen to all these people for one, if they tell you to jog they don't know anything. Sprint 100 meters on the track because it is the fastest way to bring your core temp up, let your body rest and then repeat until you feel like you want to throw up. Change your diet no hot pocket and microwave foods, also no bread. Do 25 push ups when you wake up, 2 reps of 35 when you are working out and same for sit ups. Increase it to 45 after a week and so on. There is this really good ab workout app which is all about body weight exercises and it is really good. Also just be active try to reduce the amount of time you are sitting down watching tv eating ice cream.
If your trying to achieve a fitness model look you have to lift weights as well.Google some fitness models and most of them go to the gym religiously.Doing bodyweight excercises can only get you so far.From someone who was in the army and now a fitness guy who goes about 3 times a week to the gym
Doing sprints until you feel like you need to throw up is some of the worst advice I have ever seen. Not only is throwing up, or close to NOT a sign of a good workout, it probably means your nutrition is not on par with your goals. Also, you can tell when someone is giving bad advice, because one of their first responses when talking about abs is a reccomendation of situps.
What some are saying is a fact, you'd have to eat healthy to get abs. Working that area is important as well but it doesn't happen if you eat garbage all the time.
I'd like to direct all the extreme feminists to this post when they say men face no standards of body beauty in life
You have to choose, cheeseburger or 6 pack. From what I am reading, it seems like you want a 6 pack abs handed to you. Frog nailed it on the head. Initially, I thought he was just trolling but his comment is 100% accurate, you are not serious about wanting a 6 pack abs. No point in wasting time posting helpful advice if you don't have the discipline to achieve what you want.
You can make homemade cheeseburgers buy real meat and chess and buns don't buy mcdonalds they food steroid cow buff growth cancer swallow it die bill pay medical.