FIRST WORLD WAR (yes or no ?)

Discussion in 'Wars' started by -IlI_Xx-LaR_Y0shii_LaR-xX_IlI-, May 20, 2012.

  1. True but England has me now
  2. True but England has me now
  3. Why did scotland WIN independence then?-_^ cuz they lost? No cuz ENGLAND lost which makes ur point invalid
  4. Sorry for double post iPod is being stupid
  5. Ummmmmmmmmmm...

    When did Scotland win independence??
  6. About 100 years ago but i bloody hope it doesnt happen again, stupid as trying to bring a rock back to life
  7. Scotland isn't independent >.<
  8. I don't understand your post about Scotland being independent....

    Firstly...if scotland did win independence how would that of made England lose...
  9. And secondly Scotland isn't independent
  10. And secondly Scotland isn't independent
  11. England doesn't "rule", anyway; it did, but never really BLARG.
    It's all very confusing, but now, each "country" in the UKoGB relies on each other.
  12. Like a hundred years ago (almost) or maybe 200 or i cant remember but england ruled over scotland, we fought for independence and won it but made some sort of treaty thingy, thats why scottish laws are slightly different to english laws
    For e.g. No tresspassing; in scotland so long as u leave a place where u found it when u arrived, u can legally go anywhere but if u like vandalise it or something its breach of the peace
  13. That's not independence (/).-)
  14. And it's well over one hundred years.
  15. Yeah i know its not, its a small difference thats been kept and now the government is having a referendum to vote for independence from england like properly, like i said already, its as stupid as trying to bring a rock to life
  16. Yep... If the UK splits up it makes no difference until each individual economy crashes. :/
  17. It's note independence just from England....Wales and northern Ireland are in the UK as well
  18. What I don't get is if scotland do win independence they still want to use the pound and bank of England lol
  19. Sorry thats what i meant and i know its ridiculous