First Clans

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by Planemaster, Dec 24, 2014.

  1. K.o.s was my first and only clan 4 years ago and still proud of the effort of the owner and founder joker78 who has put up with so many muppets
  2. Crackdown prized fighters I think
  3. :') good times. Glad you're still around bro.
  4. The Fox Hole

    Sub clan of foxes in 2009. Pretty sure it's disbanded now.
  5. Can't remember the name of my first clan, spent one day there and was still hitting BL as didn't know what an eb was! then got a wall post from BOB at DWM asking me to join, he helped me get started with my build & DWM became the first clan i called home! met some cool people there ツ
  6. Dog hound! I was walled for pwar against DogHoundz lol
  7. Patriot soldeirs

    It was owned by an inactive noob and was filled with noobs who were inactive. I was then picked up and joined a clan called "Kingdom of Cydonia", which, due to an inactive administration, fell apart about 6 months after I joined. It existed for 2 years afterwards but now I don't know. I know the old owner is still around from time to time.

    I was once friends with all my clanmates but now I don't know any of them.
  8. Devil n Chaos those clans were good until inactivity corrupted the clans
  9. black star

    times were had.
  10. Uhhhh I forgot...
  11. The foxes? Im surprised they havent been extorted for their 120 member clan yet
  12. Demon hunters real family clan literally owner and senior admin all related then HoL first home clan I really had .
  13. Hell's Empire... Damn I miss them :cry:
  14. The one. The only REBEL MACHINE
  15. P.P.A.

    Potato protection agency.

    Decent group of people, who were willing to help a noob :)
  16. My first clan was Beast Mode. It was back in 2010 when i first joined the game. It is currently inactive. Probably have been since the last era of pwars.
  17. My first clan that i remember was epic veteran bootcamp, kaj taught me all about osw and pvp
    Then natural disasters, run and founded by truthseeker... he taught me what a pwar was(i was in grade 5 at the time) and he was and still is an awesome guy
    He is still there with the old semi active crew and his accounts, most of the rest reside in war instinct
    Weevu, he was always the biggest and him oniban and i were the only actives in the wee hour of the morning
    Mordecaistonereaver was my closest companion, he is a great guy and taught me about allies and how the help attack redlago our osf
    Silently_kill was my best buddy, he had that sleep issue where he could only sleep 3-4hrs every few days so he was always on to talk to and when I got perma silenced the first time we worked our way around it amd i spoke through my new status message banner that came out a week earlier... devs ruined that for us...
    I loved my clan, they were the greatest bunch of people you could ever meet... they just didnt appreciate my pvp ways

    ND I LOVE YOU
  18. BIG MEANIES back in 2010. None of em are around anymore :'(

    Still miss em️
  19. I don't remember my first clan I joined, since I used to merc in system wars. But the first clan I called home was Girls Of Kaw. I was there to merc for a war, and met tons of really cool people.
  20. The south pole