Finite Or Infinite:Discuss!

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ProviingAPoint, Feb 25, 2016.

  1. Not saying what your saying is "wrong" but first did gof say the universe is isn't infinite? So for u to say that what grounds did God say that on? As far as expand beyond his knowledge u deem your God not smart enough to remember every star in the sky if it's expanding?

    "Nothing from nothing, nothing comes". Where was it ever said something ever came from nothihg the Big Bang theory is that all matter was in a single black hole that exploded so it's wasn't nothing everything came out of  in that theory anyway.
  2. Hmmm. So you are saying that the works of great Scientists such as Einstein, are wrong as they are, 'Foolish Mortals.'

    Why put your faith in fact-based/experimental Science, when a book called the Bible feeds you all the Sugar Coated answers.

    Where did life come from?
    Why are gays bad?
    Why is abortion bad?
    Why is IVF bad?

    See a pattern emerging?
    Quoting the bible isn't a valid argument by the way.

    Ugh. I hate dealing with the indocrinated...
  3. Big bang theorists aren't saying everything came from nothing, they suggest light didn't spark outta nowhere, it already existed along with other forms of energy/matter that are in a continual cycle of expansion and implosion, much like you believe god existed and he created the universe with speech they believe certain energies intermingled and reacted with each other too create other energies/matter
  4. Black holes involved in the big bang theory? Where did this come from? That was never in science books, not even in my collegiate courses.

    Perhaps the theory is continuing to change, as the theory fails to define a real cause to create something out of nothing.

    As to questioning the biblical account of God's character, its defined in scripture that God knows the name of the stars. He is all knowing, meaning He knows everything.

    Expanding the universe beyond His creation would perceive that He would not have known or planned for a new expansion of the universe, undermining His authority as God.

    The universe is part of His plan which is final, and never changes. He is Lord over time and space. Since He knows all things and creates all things, He knows His creation in all of time from beginning to end.

    Hence, the universe is finite and final.
  5. People believe the big bang came from a black hole yes.
  6. It's not trying to create something outta nothing as explained in previous responses lol your ignorance amuses me...fair enough to believe in god imo, it's your choice but to ignore other points to prove yours is not helping your cause :)
  7. Religious people trying to ram things down peoples throat is nothing new the fact is you don't know god exists you just believe that, that's your opinion why you have to try ram it down peoples throats?

  8. Its impossible to not have an end.
    We just can't comphrend it's size.

  9. Playing devils advocate here.
    If the universe was infinite there would also be a infinite amount of heat
  10. Religion is usually centred around indoctrination. Religion is a means to control.
    It is one of the greatest weapons humanity has ever devised.
    Religion has been a front to kill people from its origins.
    Also, all religions seem to believe they have the one true deity, right?
    How many religions are there, how many religions predate them, how many religions will continue to come into existence after them? A crap tonne.
  11. Well using your own theory nothing would exist not even your god.
  12. Our existence is only what your senses tell your brain, in reality nothing exists outside yourself because without your senses what would you experience? Nothing.

  13. Who created God?

    Also, we have proof the the universe is expanding.
  14. The bubble example works best...

    Imagine pouring a glass of Mountain Dew and seeing all the little bubbles in it. Each one represents a universe. So there are multiple universes out there. Eventually, the bubble pops, and new ones arise.

  15. Lol I don't sense the gnat on the water 4000 miles away. Doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
  16. You only know that gnat exists from previous usage of your senses
  17. Most Christians are ‘Young Earth Creationists’, who believe God created everything instantly out of nothing all in a matter of six days, some 6000 years ago. According to this view, about six to ten thousand years ago God spoke everything into being in six literal sun days and then rested on the seventh twenty four hour period.

    The oldest fossil found is 3.4billion years old who created that?

    Human fossils have been found from up to 400000 years ago who created them?
  18. Show me proof your god was there besides passages in a book written by men who were not there.

    The universe was a condensed form of matter in the beginning mostly hydrogen the most abundant element around, a star is a condensed ball of hydogren fusing into helium, this process is known as nuclear fusion which makes the warmth you feel on a summer afternoon, now imagine something smaller than our sun or even our planet with that much matter fusing and releasing energy, not too far fetched to believe it couldn't contain it's enormous mass and expanded.

    How did he do this from nothing? You just said nothing comes from nothing, so how did your deity make everything from nothing? My guess is your answer will be "cause he is God" which holds no weight not to mention you trapped yourself with your own words and will have no actual intellectual response to it besides "the bible said so".

    God knowing everything always bothered me, because he apparently gave us free will, with that we could act in ways he would not be able to plan for or predict, if God has a plan for everyone and everyone only acts according to his plan, where does our free will come from?

  19. And so everything that existed prior to me didn't happen because I never saw it? No. Much the same as the very first lifeforms didn't experience the world because they were not there yet the environment and conditions DID exist without them.
  20. I think religion should be banned tbh world wide.