Finish the sentence

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by BenBenBenBenBenBenBen, Jan 10, 2013.

  1. The man of his allies and money
  2. ^That will happen to the next person who posts on this thread, unless I'm, of course, way too small.
  3. Just let peeps have fun
  4. Oh…that just sounds real wrong
  5. You really should have taken my warning and listened to your own new year's resolution.

    Next person to post, same goes for you. And the next, etc.
  6. Why farm people for this?
  7. Smighter woke up without...
  8. his newly born squirrel monkey child.
  9. I like it :lol:
  10. Ok, next..

    I like putting mithril...
  11. in my squirrel monkey child's mouth.
  12. To strengthen him
  13. Which, after complete
  14. And sends him to the fiery depths
  15. ~The end~
    Ok next:

    The troll ate a…
  16. Which gave him
  17. Explosive diarrhea. He then took his