People are awful, just have as much sex as you can then die. Don't worry about finding anyone special
This guy/gal hits the nail on the head. As a guy who didn't have to hard of a time with girls in high school, (now in college) the best advice I can give to you is be patient and wait it out. The girl that I've been with now is my version of amazing, we went to school together for 10 years and never got to know each other besides the general hellos. Then we found a common interest and it was the opening door, the rest is history in the making. In short, just try to be friendly with everyone and eventually "the one" will be right before your eyes and you won't want it any other way. Just keep your head up, and remember communication is key, even if you are a quiet person. :-D
1- read a bible 2- find a baptist church 3- join a group that studies the bible around your age group 4- meet hot Christian girl 5- marry Hot Christian girl
I'd do what Karma said, focus on the study part for now. That's all that matters now. At the right time, she'll come along. It's hard for us to see it now, but it'll happen. You can always get a girlfriend, but your viable window for studying is not forever. Capitalize on it.
Was in bad relationship for 3 years met my new lass and im happy with a little boy and a wonderfull women took me 35 years to be happy ! Truth u find love when u dont expect it
Stop looking, nuff said. The right one always comes when you least expect them. Focus on doing you! Also don't frown, smile because someone could be falling in love with your smile. :3 Love doesn't always come easy, or when you want it, or painless. You gotta risk it to get the biscuit. P:
Stay single, focus on your life and career, need a good time? Your single. Hit the club or a bar. To be honest; Relationships aren't worth it these days, there more to lose than to gain. Just focus on making yourself happy and building a life for yourself. Men and Women today are mere shells of the once respected people they were a few generations ago. Dont waste your time digging through trash looking for a diamond (if they still exist) unless you really want too. Today, a single man can enjoy his life if he chooses too. The bachelor life is pretty sweet.
I had a similar experience, except it was i who was moving, and we were already together. I broke it off because LDR's never really work out.. Why did you post this? I hate taking "feel trips". Lmao.
Heres my advice. Find a fat ugly one. Chances are youll be the best she can do and will work hard to please you
Don't "look" for a girl. And sure as hell don't talk to them based on looks. Just get to know them, and you'll gravitate towards one. Personality is important. And don't treat them as an object. They may need alone time, you have to be okay with that.