Stay on topic or leave this thread semzz. You haven't provided any reasons as to why someone would join DKOD. Tell them I suck if you have too, just keep it on topic. Thanks. Keep your trash talk in my newsfeed.
I was in topic dumb dumb, I'm allowed to debate the validity of your thread in its entirety. Huma derailed your thread and I only responded. Try reading comprehension. Hooked on phonics might work for you.
I think finding a mentor that is also willing to assist you with the allie market. Swabia pointed out in another thread how much gold you can make with allies.
As clear as it was that it was his intent, semzzz isn't wrong. If this is really about helping newb clans, you'll ask everyone who derails to leave, and that includes other kotfe/apoc members. On topic, CX-LEGENDS is an old clan, with old players, always willing to help. Many of us have 6 or more years of experience in all aspects of the game. Not a bad place to learn the ropes, as well as grow.
Zero, this is indeed a visionary thread, makes me proud to have called Apocalypse home for a time. Over my 6 years I have had many mentors in many clans. And I hope at some point there have been ppl whom have looked up to me as a mentor. My current clan .Alpha. Is currently recruiting and are a nice balanced clan who runs bigger ebs but also won't back down from an osw. Any interested should stop by to see what we are all about
Semzz mysteriously disappears after a few fb. This is why you need a good clan and a good mentor. Loud mouths will just get you stripped, pinned, and tied down to a dying clan. On another note, all not staying on topic can take trash talk to news feeds. I take most of mine there, but get few replies.
Thank you squirrel. My old clan was once blood allies with .alpha. They were one of the founding clans of WDGAF. Still a lot of good people over there.
See this is why this thread is garbage, because you make it and claim it's for one reason and then use it to push your own agenda, your full bars of mostly fails ain't scaring noone. Your clan is a bunch of clowns, wanna be osw clan chasing the eb lb. This thread is useless as there is a thread of the exact same topic made by someone reputable not this complete moron zero_the_simple_jack_of_visionaries_machine Edit: your credibility just confirmed 0. Kotfe head recruiter in your banner. They're running out of meatshields for a reason folks fyi.
I started in world Dominion. Just a great clan supporting others. Hit EB's. I found them by hitting the BL and they took me in. WD formed NCU where I spent a good amount of time before bouncing a while and landing at HiT. I am still great friends with my original owner Ghostface who really mentored me and helped me in the basics of KaW. The point there is find someone who you trust won't let you down. There are lots of clans out there and lots of people who will sell you out in a heartbeat.
Awesome thread Zero. Full support. Need more like these ofc without all the osw bashing added in. I was lucky have had several mentors throughout my 5 yrs of KaW. Koda01, cheddy, sixfeetdeep, Laelyr, Daedelous, Vakyl, Sol, Val and so many more can't name all. Each has played a part in how I play each dynamic of this game wether it be eb, ee, pvp or osw. I am grateful for their experience and knowledge. Ty all. Love Yas
How many meatshield recruitment threads do you need exactly? There is already a thread for new players to find clans made by a reputable player who isn't just trying to put some padding between themself and osw.
Check out daphnia the moderators thread, there is a list of great clans who aren't in osw that you will find a great mentor in. Such a shame when clans like kotfe are recruiting mid osw. Such a shame when alliances like apoc add more clans to their alliance mid osw, these kinda things used to mean you lost already.
Where in this entire thread does kotfe claim to be recruiting? Other than your allies I should say. There was plenty of chest beating,sure. But only you seem to be under the impression they are recruiting.
and people wonder why this game can't retain new players lol lets set record straight here, Kotfe doesnt have a sub clan and doesn't recruit under certain CS but it effects every player and every clan when retention is down and no new blood comes into the game try starting up an alt from scratch - act dumb like you dont know the game and actually see how far you get. Not very. facts are we all started out years ago and had amazing mentors. Mine were Yarmes. Asjay, Weezus, MrsC who taught me pvp and osw ... later in my play others (roland hat elvin gibbo some examples) they taught me other aspects of the game which in turn got me 100% hooked Maybe we need a KaW wide adopt a noob day? Every player regardless of clan, alliance, size and length of play has something to offer and to give.
#freetwicc Elizabeth? I miss that crazy guy in wars. We didn't always agree, but he got a lot done for always being outnumbered. Respect for that.