Like said before. Offer something that was useful for you. All I see is DKOD trolling on a thread that could be useful.
If you stopped sniffing glue for the day maybe some brain cells will return and you will get over how butthurt you are. Tell people why you think your clan is a good place to play the game. Pretty simple. If you can't then move on.
I would say the best thing to do when first starting is find a clan that runs b2b ebs non stop. If you can get an admin status so You can start the ebs. Talk to your clannies and see what build they like and why. There are many formulas for build. Best advise to build the way you want to play
In the old days, there wasn't any reason to build towers as a smaller player. Now that EE provides a plunder bonus and event items, it's something to consider. The upper tier eb are also very hard to hit with just one troop building. Most players don't have the bfa/bfe to win a majority of their hits without pots. The use of pots has also changed since the growth in CS has not been met with an adequate increase in pot strength on both the attack and defensive sides of the equation. Many players have simply abandoned buying some forms of pots, and some all pots except spy defense. Once again, a good veteran player can help guide you through the ever changing and complicated mechanics of this game.
Don't look for stats alone when looking for a good clan or mentor. Stats can be easily bought through pay for play ebs and nobility. An active player in your time zone can really help you develop your gameplay. Unfortunately, eb is part of the game now. You'll need a place to grow your account as you learn the other aspects of the game. If you don't grow, you'll be irrelevant against others that do at some point. Some players are choosing to compete only with the lower half of kaw and focus on bfe and bfa over Cs growth. There are many options to find what suits you best.
Player retention in this game boils down to a few benchmarks. Play for 7 days and you will probably play for a few months. Play for a few months and you'll probably play for a year. Bad advice and stale game play ruin so many players from noobs to bc. The true enjoyment is this game is found by mixing up osw/eb/EE/events/eb and learning how to use each component to further your game goals. Each has its advantages to enhancing your game play. Hopefully the clan you join will have experts in each one of these areas.
A lot of makeshift clans get made under false pretences . They put up info as here to help new players and to learn them how to play the game and how to war. i had been getting invites on my wall to come visit a new clan . A few weeks before the same person had invited me to his other new clan which that one now i think had closed and this was the replacement one.Well i began to feel guilty of not visiting when he kept talking to me so i visited the other night. Later one of the new member players on kaw said in clan chat that he is under attack and what should he do. The owner and another in the clan who was a alt from a L.B clan both mocked him instead of helping him and giving him advice. I was so annoyed at them and disgusted. They called him a noob and said things like tipercle noob behaviour like he was being a coward and a cry baby. They said fight back this is a war game .But he was brand new account so probably didnt even know what buttons to press . He said he didnt want to start a war . They left him to be attacked and i said its only from seeing your name on the battlelist that he is attacking you and hit him back with his spy side because the attackers army is much bigger than his. This made me realise this clan was not to help new players but only to get new players to fight his own wars. Also the owner that night hours earlyier had c.f to a tiny clan .Yet was telling me he will be going into osw against L.B clans . I saw him for what he was big talk only . i left the next day.These type of people really annoy me. How can you brag you are going to fight L.b clans when you yourself cf to only a couple of players within days.Many new players are gullerble and easy prey to manipulate .
There is no need for this thread, there is already a thread exactly like this called homes for new players made by a mod, daphnia.
Threads get old and trolled. Keeping them fresh with new ones is not a bad idea. I think OP is actually trying to be sincere. Why is your clan so intent on looking like butthurt noobs. Contribute to the conversation or keep off. The invitation to you was given.
LoL this coming from the person who follows my clan around and bashes them on any thread they post, if a butthurt mod didn't delete my post you would see what I thought of this thread. Horrible attempt to replenish kotfes severely depleted stock of meatshields. Why are you so obsessed with us Huma? Again this thread is at best useless spam since there is already a thread for this purpose made by someone much more credible with their intentions, a mod, who ATA has chosen.
Hahaha. Alright. I will bite. Dude. We are in an osw against each other. Do you even know what that means. Yes. I trash talk your clan. I hit your clan. And you call that following you Around. Do you even know how to be in an osw. Your leadership reflects the incompetence I see in you and many of your clannies since coming back. Get over yourself and either quit KaW or actually participate in a war you apparently are in๎๎
Okay Huma, since you like to talk with generalized statements and seem to avoid facts at all costs, let me drop a couple for you. 1. You took a break from KaW, I did not. 2. Your stats stayed the same whereas mine grew. 3. Now you have returned and are out of the hit range of my main. 4. Your too stupid to see what I meant by my last post (that your the butthurt one following us around bashing us on threads) 5. When you took your break you were in a clan called HiT, now that you've come back your in a clan called Spartan hit squad. 6.ShS is a clan comprised of 2 clans that were FORCED to merge. (Hit/true Spartans) 7.Dkod had a large role to play in forcing that merge. 8. My alts aren't used for fighting but for another aspect of osw. Now Huma please elaborate on the incompetence of my clan by pointing out some incompetent things we've done. All your doing right now is acting like a Chihuahua yap yapping and biting the ankles of our alts. So obsessed that we're on your clan page over a year. You do know that your in osw with alot more clans than just dkod right? And that we are as well? Keep growing so that I can show you what little I know about osw.
Your points are useless and based on your own version of facts. Not much on reality from my point. Yes. I cannot hit you so I make loads off your alts. Loads. But apparently my calling you guys out wherever I can is getting to you. I count that as a win. I don't have alts all over the place for "other" form of osw so I get to you the way I know how. looks like I am winning.
Yap yap Chihuahua, you think you bother me but your just a joke. Too bad I thought I might have gotten some good info from you on how to make my clan better oh wise Chihuahua. Of course true and verifiable facts mean nothing to the all knowing Chihuahua (who wasn't even around when they happened) Yap Yap <- All you can do.