You go way too far into this dude. Just use the sweet spots! TOP: 12750, 10500, 8250, 6000, 3750, 1500 BOTTOM: 4250, 3500, 2750, 2000, 1250, 500 Align first two numbers, hit, if it does not work align second, etc. Use Angel of Light+Holy Wrath on the top, and Locust Swarm on the bottom. Easy as cake and I typed this up while sleeping.... ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzz
OP's method is by far the fastest and easiest way. It may look complicated, but it really isn't. One thing I've noticed though is that you only have to even up the top bar with the bottom bar every other time. The window for the top bar is so wide that every other time is good enough to keep it in.
This isn't the fastest method. The fastest method is a combo of single bar method with a 12:8 ratio but you skip red bar on the first and fourth tests and just do 12:12 on the rest. The test goes as follows for blue:red. 12, 12:12, 12:12, 12, 12:12, 12,12 On the first, second, fourth and fifth tests you need to check the message for 'in the shade of the forest', if it's there then you bring down the red bar to even.