fighting till the end - sh

Discussion in 'Wars' started by -o_O_o_O_o-MrS_SpY-o_O_o_O_o-, May 4, 2015.

  1. <a href="" title="Whatever you do for fun is your business"> <abbr title="do what you do"> <acronym title="LGBT approved"> <b> <blockquote cite="derpa derpa dirka dirka"> <cite> <code> <del datetime="6:42"> <em> <i> <q cite="day term are jerbs"> <strike> <strong>
  2. Much HTML very Dreamweaver such wow
  3. Is that some kind of joke?
  4. Syl send us a few ps1 :shock:

  5. that probobly not a joke.
    dotb proved bigger LB + ps doesn't work.
    even DT + KAOS can't carry dotb's ps in war when bfa/bfe is on lol
  6. So what do u suggest? Should we all just drop back down to sh?
  7. Lets do it
  8. You go first.
  9. Always has to be me
  10. Nah not a joke... Just saw kyle comment about someone being carried in indis by others.. Wanted to see if he says that about you as well
  11. Why grow when as my current build I can't remember the last time I didn't have EE5? And also, you say ally trading helps bfa grow faster which is true, but we also make way less on eb than you bigger builds - a 30t build can grow far more quickly than my humble 8.7t build (yes believe it or not I'm HFLC it's not like I just hlbc'd and stopped lol)
  12. diffirence building/stats fit to diffirence wars.
    its all your will to built your building/stats for EBs, primals, indis, rounds or osw.
    just stop to blame any building is expliot or killing ee. none of building can kill EE.
    poor EE rewards, better EB/promo equips are the reasons kill EE
    by the way, dont act like your dotb's PS are that good for EE wars. You can still signn up for indi wars, but at least I wont call you PS are good warriors for indi wars.
    I never sawn RH, DS show off at forum or WC even when they were in 100+ winning streaks.
    I am sick to see you guys show off how good your strategy when most of your wars are stand with a much better rosters.
  13. Im a newbie but why do you hate sh as me i wanted to be a sh so please respect us sh people and me proud and tall shout SUPPORT!!!!! We sh are the strongest
    When we attack we are below the radar SH RULE!!!!!!!!!
  14. Maybe because they know they will be down a few 100 mill cs and have no chance ?
  15. No it is because they are cowards plain and simple. Matching syl and her merry band of Hansel's is a hell of a fight and really one of the only true challenges that actually exist in this game right now, and when any clan beats them its so so satisfying.
    The wins gained in primals by matching small rosters are unsatisfying and ultimately no fun. I'm not going to start ranting about shs as a build again because I have been there and done that and made my peace. In saying that though no one can deny their only use in primals is no different than that in season 3 - to gain as small of a match as possible for the larger portion of any roster. So the biggest can just sit nearly untouched all war and whail on smaller builds. Different category of war same effect.
    Stand proud all you mighty sh, you are truly incredible warriors.
  16. Every time we have warred you guys you have always been at least 150 mills cs bigger yesterday was over 300 mill Devs are making these EE wars a joke that's why no one signs up out of season anymore. (and we had no sh all legit size builds) how big off a difference is it before a no Match ? 300mill is like another roster

    And no support to op, wars are rubbish at the moment making sh a significant build in EE again will only make things worse
  17. I have been part of a war where we won with a -400 mcs dis-advantage  so what does that show? Anything is possible

  18. So in other words he's a build dropper who is expoliting the current ee wars to gain a upper hand bc he couldn't do it as a full size hfbc account

    Sounds legit