fighting till the end - sh

Discussion in 'Wars' started by -o_O_o_O_o-MrS_SpY-o_O_o_O_o-, May 4, 2015.

  1. Soz but you don't have huge bfa/bfe...
  2. Support to Kyle. "They just hate us cause they ain't us" - Dave Skylark
  3. I have huge bfa
  4. I hope to vs you again mrspy carry on your losing streak to your sh coalitiom
    Its was fun ansorbing your pointless attacks :)
  5. Most of us on this thread could be in the matter of a few moments...
  6. I could quite literally drop every single building right now and end up with a sh. That's how simple and pointless the build is. Any person with half a brain cell and two thumbs can build and use one.
  7. Hey Tom, indeed. I am in an HTE clan to grow my BFE/BFE.
  8. Sh are adorable but only used to exploit there are no practical uses for sh not in epics or wars it's not that I dislike your lazyness to build and progress like the game was designed you just serve no purpose and will be outcast due to season 3 where sh were a huge exploit
  9. They hate us cause they ain't us? Pffffttttttt! Best joke I've heard all day! If I dropped my troops & volls/trees and put up sh in hl u could be a sh! I just choose to make a practical multi use build.
    oh wait.. It's not the 4th anymore
  11. I guess it shall be very difficult to grow raw stats like u in 2 years with 130K+ battle wons lol
  12. How multi-used your building/stats ? For EBs, for round wars, for primal wars,
    or for indi wars if other warriors don't mind to carry you.
  13. I think he means uses like, pinning troops, stripping targets ect..
  14. lazyness to build !?
    I have my EB fairy building that simular to your stats, I never spend $1 for that account, what I do is spend 1 min every hour to unload on EBs. about 2 years; 251k battles won and simular to your stats; Is that lazyness to build ?
    Try to grow a SH account to have my stats in 2 years with about $800 spending, you'll know if its hard or its lazyness.
  15. More like who has the biggest wallet. Also how do other players carry us? I would love to hear this logic.
  16. $800 spending in 2 years isn't a big $$ especially when you need to buy hundreds xtals for EE wars.

    EE war is a plunder war, so u know how ppls carry you in indi wars if u are an EE warrior.
    Or show me the record your were the top plunders in indi wars, Kangaguin. I would love to see it.
  17. Hitting hte and not having to worry about how your build will end or what you want it to look like finalized while you continue to just press buy seems pretty lazy to me Kyle. The fact that there are still sh who continue to think they aren't an exploit is a bit disappointing. Especially since most of them dont have any decent bfa or bfe anymore. And for all of you complaining about having to wait years for a good build... Devs are giving plunder bonuses like every month, and on the daily with blood rains, not to mention the constant hte promos, the rate of growth today is not even close to what it was 1-3 years ago. Stop being cowards and defending a build that requires no skill to maintain or even build at all.
  18. Whats an eb fairy build?
  19. Then tell me why is it ps are always the first ones to go down? Ps not for plunder they are to knock down to enemy to slow them down and weaken so all else can plunder. Tell me when is a EE war every 1 person? Last I checked its a team effort.
  20. Agreed sushi.

    The sh build is chosen because of the fact it is well known to be the easiest way to earn mith and eq.

    People just dont drop their builds (some of which took years to build) without there being a ridiculous advantage.

    Theres a reason people are making new accounts regularly now just so they can ee with a sh build.