fighting till the end - sh

Discussion in 'Wars' started by -o_O_o_O_o-MrS_SpY-o_O_o_O_o-, May 4, 2015.

  1. Support
  2. I was speaking for build droppers. not against. and i assume you are like 99% of kaw and hate on the build droppers.
  3. Or i look at your stats and see otherwise :p
  4. Hawk teh ultimate build dropper lel
  5. How will you not exploit wars? Lol

    I didnt start as a sh
  6. We need more variety of builds
  7. Wait, what do you mean with your figures 40% to 5%?

    And you are more than welcome to answer my question on the last page. I understand why it would be avoided though.
  8. Come on guys we all started as SH lol share the love 
  9. an all sh roster in primal??? who are you planning on warring... week old builds?

    sh w/o bfa are absolutely useless so enjoy fail bombing youre opponents
  10. Variety in spy builds? Really? Respectable Spy builds include Pure Spy, Hansel's with ranging amounts of attack stats, and Spybrids. Those are 3 varieties of spy builds that are respected for different uses. Sh's are a virus exploit that should be stopped.

    My Hansel build for example has taken quiet a bit if time & patience to build up to were I am. Verses a sh can throw up an exploit war build in a month. Hlbc players can do it in even less time from converting!

    No support to the Sh virus!
  11. I was actually supporting the fact that drop builds do nothing and can't plunder In war, and maybe next time you can look at my build before you call me a drop build hater 
  12. Too late

  13. You truly cant be this stupid can you ???
  14. All I read on this post forum is a bunch of big accounts complaining about us small accounts. Are we that much better than you in war? I'm flattered. Hopefully I meet you all with my SH build and huge BFA/BFE and teach you how to fight on the battlefield. Call it an exploit. I call it strategy. Whine about the size. Keep whining. Complain about efforts spent. Keep complaining. SH will stick around. There's a reason they still exist and why big accounts drop to match out CS.

    I'm flattered by you all. Keep yapping while I make my kingdom stronger. And one more thing: best pray when we meet on the battlefield. ️
  15. Alright ill bite. Then what is an exploit?  Also nice build, looks like you put quite the effort to build it.
  16. Sh take almost no effort to build at all...all Sh r good for in war besides round is sb. Try to steal a bc hansel in primal. Let's see here build or bfa which cost more oh ya bfa. Can't believe Sh r still around to be honest. I never seen them anymore. Thankfully
  17. Speaking of builds, you have quite the build, unless your an alt hopefully.
  18. C0ck fighting is illegal btw
  19. Soo... Your saying you dont have the ability to be just as successful with a build like mine in ee wars?

  20. Twinky, I'm going to pretend you know how to read because nowhere in my statements did I say what you just asked. Like really people? At least have some sense when you ask a question. Geez.