fighting till the end - sh

Discussion in 'Wars' started by -o_O_o_O_o-MrS_SpY-o_O_o_O_o-, May 4, 2015.

  1. All you ignorant people keep talking about how unfair it is. But take it somewhere else. This thread is about helping SH community not disrespecting it. And I pay to play as well. Don't think you're the only one. And yes it's a game. So quit complaining.
  2. "Helping the sh community" so apparently having a low price build with good plunder and good warring is something that needs desperate attention? I mean gh was heavily nerfed because nobody that was gh was growing since their build was just so mucj better than bigs.

    With all the new lands and buildings there should be little to no reason not to grow. Yet there are still people insisting that sh is a good thing. If sh was even close to the extent of the gh exploitation then it would have been nerfed by now, you're lucky enough that it wasn't.
  3. So what your really saying is your too cheap to build a good war build for ee and you also don't want to be bothered with the time it takes to do it you want a cheap exploit build and hang with ppl who's worked for years on there build,yes I get it now
  4. Down with sh
  5. Wait, there's an sh community now? Since when was this a thing? So does this mean that we need to have a Hansel community and a tank community as well for kaw too?
  6. So basically what i get from this is that unless you spend hundreds of $$, you shouldnt be allowed to war.

    because to get to the "big boys" you need hundreds of $$ to get to their size in the same time as it takes to build a sh.

    then you have build droppers, which are apparently an exploit, even tho they do nothing in ee. they cant plunder. they can get easy successes sure. but that doesnt matter if you cant plunder.

    so basically the general belief is "be 20m cs with 12m sdt/adt or you dont deserve to war". and yet these same ppl are the ones complaining not enough war.

    you guys are idiots. Support to op.
  7. Umm, I don't know where you're wanting to war but I'm not a big ass tank yet I'm still able to take part in primal wars, Crazy I know.

    And I haven't dropped hundreds of $$$ either, all you need to spend is a few dollars here and there to get xtals to war with
  8. So you are saying a cheap ass build that is done within a month should beat way more expensivs ones
  9. LB/SH is an exploit
    Tank/hansel is an exploit
    Any roster that gets wins every time against people who can't get the same roster is an exploit.
    Kawmunity logic.

    What many people don't realise is that it's much harder to become a big SH than a huge build. SH make hardly any gold compared to larger builds, and bfa is way more expensive than raw stats. If you want to build stats, you can build stats. If you want to build bfa (like I do), build bfa. Everyone is entitled to play the game the way they want to. ️
  10. Hahaha looks at op build then laughs ....tank hansel isnt a exploit ... Build mechs is pretty easy for hybrid
  11. Do both? Its not that hard, especially being in an hte clan.
  12. i remember when warlor had a Ton of tower mech builds devs killed it quick because u couldnt hit them.... But a sh that pays 1 mil is ok  once again make all builds pay the same on each action 
  13. What if I don't want to do both? I have grown before and hated it. I love warring as a SH, imo it's the most fun build to war. I've warred as hansel and as tank and SH beats both out enjoyment-wise.
  14. No support, hitting sh in primal pays crap mith 

    Edit: Looking at Spy's build he/she doesn't appear to be an sh
  15. Oh and to get back on topic, no support to OP. Primal wars with all SH are boring af and you won't win. Tried them start of s4 and they don't work 
  16. Shadow hansels are an exploit. No 2 ways about it. And you don't have to cry that you have to spend money to make a good war build - you don't. It's called patience. I'm building a towered ps1 on this account and spending little/no money. It's not as hard as you guys make it out to be. Quit whining, and actually build yourselves like the game is meant to be. Maybe if you guys do that, round wars will come back. I'm sick and tired of warring round wars with actual rosters and getting matched against shadow hansel clans. The last time, I was matched against a clan so small that our top 3 could not hit anybody on the roster. Stop acting like you're not an exploit. Because you are. Stop complaining that you can't hang with players that have spent money/warred for a long time. You shouldn't be able to. That's how it should work.
  17. Really? Last time i spent 500 bill for an upgrade i couldnt sell it for a profit like an ally.

    Your only expense is allies. Allies earn gold when they sell.

    Lets look at it like this. If a sh has the same raw stats as i do, why do they earn more plunder than i do when hitting the same target?

    If a sh has the same raw stats as me, why do they pay out less than i do when hit by the same target?
  18. Nope. im saying that in a war game it shouldnt take a year or 3 to be able to war effectively.

    i will agree. the lb/sh rosters are exploits.

    but sh by themselves and lb by themselves are not.

    if you say sh are exploits because of what they did to round, then you are saying lb are too for the same reason.

    See how that works?
  19. Geez ppl need to grow the game.spend a Lil money on your build.then cry.or even if the mechanics were set up where it played the same for a at/stl ako or assn KO but it doesn't so quit whining damm