fighting till the end - sh

Discussion in 'Wars' started by -o_O_o_O_o-MrS_SpY-o_O_o_O_o-, May 4, 2015.

  1. While thank you :) but I am here to correct you. I understand growing as in stats, BFA, and BFE. nonetheless I am maintaining stats but am continuously growing. But I appreciate your fair and noble efforts 
  2. Yes you are sir. Yeeess you are 
  3. support to Mrs spy and all Mrs :)
  4. Hope you fail
  5. u don't sleep and I don't fail 
  6. Wasnt talking to you unless you are an alt of the Op what is wrong with you people.
  7. Wow... Just when you thought people couldn't get any more stupid... This here is what we call a case of loser denial.. I used to have a bad case of loser denial, until the lacrosse team stuck a parking cone up my ass...

  8. O'Doyall rules!

    But back to the topic, growing bfa/bfe isn't actually growing, that's just expanding your hit range, growing in CS on the other hand is completely different. The SH build is just a GH with slightly higher stats, anyone that can hit you won plunder for much at all because of the CS difference, the old ally LB SH black swan dominated in wars because of this exploitation of mechs and many others did too, it's time to put the build to rest, you've had your fun now compete with the real fighters.
  9. (Yawn) sh's will never play with the big boys again stay in round where you can enjoy your exploit and stay out of primal.
  11. This bit right here. This is the reason we refer to it as an exploit. Say what you will, but if I hit you and make 3m and you hit me for 200m, it's not a fair fight. And you can grow in BFA all you want, but you'll never get to compete with the big boys, not really. If you don't have a stacked roster, you'll be assass'd down and forgotten.
    You are no longer a relavent build. Stay small and play with your friends with Mrs over here, but don't act like you're doing something new that's gonna stick.
  12. No one is acting like they are doing something new that's gonna stick. Noob. All we are saying is that we want SH rosters again like there was once upon a time. How is that acting like something new is being formed? Again, a war game. If everything was fair then it wouldn't be a war game now would it? 
  13. Actually things should be fair this isnt a real life war its a game people spend money on.
  14. Game being the keyword
  15. Funny thread  burn SH burn
  16. Screw ur sh build! man up n grow SH SUCK elimanate round exploit wars 
  17. Anyone else notice he/she said roosters not rosters
  18. Sh gana fight when its over already 
  19. Well at least, some One iS Trying to make moré wars available.. With The current clans participating, there should be The 11 vS 11 back again But only for round/Primal - leave Indi Alone.. On that One Devs accidentally did some thing right
  20. So true. Sh are the reason people hate round wars and why round wars have went to pot.

    Besides, you wont get a match if you're the only ones doing it :^) lel