Fight Mechanics

Discussion in 'Guides' started by llIlI_LR-RIPPER_IllII, Jun 4, 2012.

  1. A very helpful thread for newer n older ppl to understand their build n fight effectively. GL
    Always worth the

  2. Someone should redo the guide taking the HF glitch into consideration. I've seen lots of people being open at pnz with the glitch
  3. HF is not really a glitch the % regen is smaller per regen so of course you will be open below 20%.
  4. A detailed post of HF n Abyss land trick would be helpful.
  5. Ps are open to attack with gold out
  6. im closed after 3 regens.
  7. Bump for newer warriors
  8. Update for ppl in LL War or IWar.
    Read dtw as 0 Troops or Spies not 20%

    For PvP/OSW ops post is as it is.
  9. Bumped for reference for newer warriors
  10. Ty, I'm trying to memorize this, didn't think of bumping it lol
  11. Bump

    To help newer ppl entering into to S6

    Ignore 20% and read as 0 Troops or Spies

    FYI PS with gold out can be attacked by any build other than a PS til 0 gold out eg OSF the PvP fave & AKA big EE leak lol