Again yes this clan is training for the war clan to grow. What don't you understand about it ? Yes this clan isn't going to be doing wars that why it's a camp training ground for the war clan....
Welcome to Fairy Camp Welcome to the home of b2b ebs, here you will learn such things as how to mindlessly farm pigs, squids and hopefully one day ghost too. Are you brave enough to stand against the horde of pasifist creatively drawn mythical monsters? Can you stand the test of thumb stamina spamming pots repeatedly? If not...this clan may be too hard core for you.
Do you have a war clan? Are you recruiting for future warriors? No...your recruiting for eb battling new players with no mention of being, now or ever a war clan.
You really must have a boring life to go to this effort. I think I have explained it enough times I understand your a bit slow and are not going to get it. I give up explaining.
Do some people just not get that this is game we mainly all play on our phones when waiting for a train or during an advert break. I wounder what sort of person has so little going on in life that they need to validated existence by being unpleasant to others in such a make belive game. It does make feel sorry for those who feel the need to belittle and make juvenile comments. That chip on the shoulder must be truly tiresome and diminishes any point they try and make. If you don't like something feel free to air you view's, but seriously guys it it worth being unpleasant or getting worked up about. Constructive polite criticism is intelligent ... criticism for the sake of it just makes you dumb.
Wow this game has really gone down hill, one of the more entertaining aspects of kaw has always been crap talking banter. And as for me...not worked up and no chip on my shoulder. Simply having fun making fun of something I find funny.i mean com'on a clan called fight camp with a not so clever little rp back story about battling those feirsome ebs, wanting to test their strength by now battling yet more ebs? If one can't see the kaw irony in that....then Shame on them lol. I mean seriously...the comical entertainment Value of this has unlimited potential. Enough said.
Thank you for proving my point. Your reply merits no other communication and others will judge you a small person. But you are obviously content with this so I can not help you any further.
I think it's called little man syndrome. It's where you have nothing else going on to make yourself look good. You wish for power and purpose but it is sadly never going to come your way. So you have to justify your existence any way you can. You can look it up if you like but I am telling you that your a great candidate and the more you post the more you prove my point.
The more you take me for a serious fellow and go on the verbal offensive the more this entertains me. So I guess it's win/win. You get to feel self righteous as if you've confronted something significant and can carry on believing you've made some sort of valuable point. And I get to have a few small chuckles.
Any quit drifting off topic...your going to get this awe inspiring recruitment thread for your eb clan locked. Then youl never get your new members and never be able to do those b2b haunts.
I tell you what I will do. Your obviously having a bad day and perhaps you have found out that mummy doesn't love you. I am not going to lower myself to actually read your words because they are pointless drivel. But what I will do in the interests of humanity and with the concept of caring for ones unfortunate enough to be cursed with small man syndrome. I will alow you to have the last word. That should cheer youup a treat and at leat I will know I have help out a poor uunfortunate who needs to feel a little love and appreciation in his life... so post away my friend and make your self feel good. I am happy for you to reply and have the last word as in the real world I am far too busy and have a day of real life stuff ahead of me. Just remember when you feeling down you can always come onto KAW and post some smart mouthed silly comments to make yourself feel good. . But I am guessing you already know that judging by the impressive number of posts your status boasts... must have been a tough year.
BY THE SACRED AND MOST ANCIENT RULES OF KAW, I HAVE DEFEATED YOU. May tales and songs of this epic duel echo through the halls of thy eb hardened walls. May drinks be shared and merriment be made! May the bounties of squid, rock, and apparition be plentiful and may the gods of kaw watch over you as you embark into the perilous road of ebs ahead. Long Live Fairy Cam....I mean Fight Camp!!!
Come hate on my clan thread for being an EB clan please, wouldn't mind the bumps. :lol: Gl with clan OP