Yes! Great guide!! STICKY!!! Only problem is the don't farm bit. Wow. Almost takes away the deserving a sticky...
^That stat of 4k losses can be changed Very similiar to TheKaW Handbook and frankly not as good, I'll give it a 9/10 though
And this coming from an "expert" on imitations. TBH though... Do you have exonerating truth to this claim?
Willy, Ask any forumer who was around during fiddler's "reign" She even posted pics of her "degrees" and her supposedly "broken" printer to "prove" she couldn't have printed them. I went to the school's website which she claimed to have graduated from, and they never offered a Ph.D in the field she claimed to have earned it in during her years of attendance and "graduation."
Lol you need to change the credits for the "Other helpful threads" section from IIII_Silver_Dragon_IIII to -Flint-
More than likely, just don't have the time for such a giant update. Would you like the pleasure senorita?