To the admin who messaged me. You mean to tell me I didn't get a single banner for a day and a half? Only rings? What was the point of the last day and 16 hours? To just play and make no progress. I tried so much just to get to 750 but stayed at 679. I did more than 6 ebs before I noticed that the only thing moving was ranking and I was going down on that without a problem.
belt of armmaster went down (spy att/def) when upgraded. from 60,984,528-att, 54,565,104-def to 24,939,850-att, 30,230,850 at level 4
I don't even care about the inferno or the aqua. I was doing it all for the silver bars. Too much of a difference in the loss of bars. I was planning on constructing more buildings and upgrading them so I wouldn't be so much of a beginner, but instead I'll take a big step back on that part. Thanks alot for wasting my time.
Ummmm, champ. You determine what you get for a drop by what eb you do. You realize that right? If you just kept doing the same eb's for the drop you didn't need....that's on you.
Hey genius, how do you think I got that far. By your logic I somehow got over 600 before I started repeating nonstop til the end for almost 2 days.
Just gonna hazard a guess here, but you probably did some other eb's mixed in there that dropped the other side (or wars or opened boxes). And by guess I mean...I can guarantee you did something else cuz doing the same eb over and over won't magically change it to the other half of the drop you need. It's a shame you didn't bother to pay attention. But coming on forums and raging at the devs just makes you look extra silly.