Sammishs? Yes sure guys after we beat you a nice sammish will be needed! I want jacks making mine! luv ya jacks!
No support to any sides they will probably keep pulling each other hair " hey you broke my nail you *****! "
Boys are winning proving once and for all girls don't have all the power Now make me a sandwich girls
The ladies will win... They always do... Good luck to both groups, and may the better warriors prevail
Theyre winning but that is a common saying. Very close war. Only 1 problem.. Unknown is a guy and a PS. Kinda a double asshat move :lol:
Um definition of a chimera is a mythical creature that looks like a lion but has wings like a bird Or a chimera in medical or science is a person who is a female that looks like a dude or is a dude that looks like a female which is different than a hermaphrodite which has both parts
Lmao. Can't BELIEVE I missed this one Sounds like a good time. You ladies best count blessings I wasn't there to spank that ass(_._)
I'm not even involved but if my alter ego is It means I must somehow join the other side and target him the whole time !!