I dunno tho. I like the idea of staging coups and stealing other countries' oil. It just seems so American to me.
Read the rest instead of the first sentence. Explaining what socialism is since you obviously don't get it. Having different departments of the government to protect the American people is part of the constitution. We have to have law and order. So because the health department makes sure we don't have roaches in our food or that our cars are safe and reliable we are socialist? Lol he doesn't stand a chance.
Yes. The textbook definition of socialism from Merriam-Webster: : a way of organizing a society in which major industries are owned and controlled by the government rather than by individual people and companies Major industries being Agriculture, Energy, Transportation, and even Miscellanious items such as, but not including, technology, medicine, education, postal services, economics, public safety, etc. Yes, those are all socialist. You can thank socialism for taking care of society because capitalism sure wouldn't do anything to protect the American people, now would it? Edit* Or whatever the opposite of your view on socialism is.
Also, I did read the rest. First thing is first. You are claiming that all socialists are on welfare basically, when in fact that is not true. What is our unemployment rate? I'm not talking about that 5.whatever that's thrown around, I'm talking raw unemployment. It's around 10%. Edit * The 10% represents unemployed seeking a job, unemployed not seeking a job, and underemployed. In case you were curious. Now 35.44% of the country is on some form of federal need. That means we have people working and still need federal aid. That's not sitting on their lazy asses doing nothing, that's going to work and getting paid a poor wage to where they have to get government assistance to pay for their needs. Now flat tax rate, that's just stupid. You honestly think 25% across the board is fair? Let's do some math. Let's say Person A earns $1,000,000 a year before taxes. Person B earns $100,000 a year. Person C earns the national average of $27,000 a year. Flat tax of 25% and let's do some crunching. Person A has $750,000 left to live. Person B has $75,000 left to live. Person C has $21,500 left to live. Person A has no problems living. Person B can most likely get by with a family of four in a nice home, average bills and medical expenses. Person C basically has to feed their family of four on $21k a year. And give them school supplies. Healthcare. And pay the bills still. How is this fair? Person C doesn't need to lose that much of their paycheck when they can already barely afford to make it through the month. That is not the American way. Since when do we turn our backs on our own countrymen? Flat tax is a tax cut for America. It is uniform to both the Middle and Poor class society. It is against the 99% of this country. The majority of this country, should not be taxed on the same standards as the elite 1%. They can't afford it! Now the last part. Of course everything costs money but if you read the thread, there are documented cases where millionaires paid less in taxes than that of truck drivers, nurses, teachers, middle class earnings. This is not okay! Bernie would not only push a progressive tax system, he'd make it impossible for them to shelter their gains into offshore accounts, charity organizations in their names, or write-offs for business expenses that aren't actually related to business. No your company didn't need a $10,000 business trip to help synergize the company's CEOs. Get that crap outta here!
Double ditto, can I just ask, how is tax worked out in the usa? In the UK, once you earn over £150k (roughly 260k$ I believe, you pay 45% tax. Now I know that our countries vary massively in some ways, we went through some stuff that America hasn't ever had to face, in my view if you live in a country and enjoy the benefits and security of said country you should pay your way, and any candidate that wanted to enforce that would go up in my books. Oh btw, the uk is a 'welfare state' which has unemployment rate of of 5.4% (feb 2015) so to say that welfare means lazy and won't work is ridiculous.
Hillary Clinton has a big problem - the emails with classified info that she sent over her personal email server. She's not making it to the 2016 election.
I'll trust trump when he can trust his Toupee to not blow away in the wind. Lmao. I'll be home for the election so I won't be able to vote but good luck Bernie!