feeling the bern

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by IX_THoR_XI, Jun 5, 2016.

  1. My favorite thing ever will be the Mexicans president saying "I don't give a f what trump says! I'm not building a wall!"

  2. Actually, his tax plan seems like the most reasonable tax reform. In my humble opinion, what makes a country "great" is giving every person the same amount of opportunities. The republican tax plan is similar to the "supply-side tax" that says "the higher your income, the less tax you get", not to add all the tax that they already don't pay. It is a way to make people want to work more and earn more overall, but the fixed costs that the government has would create an enormous debt. Asides, maybe social security represents a higher cost now, but perhaps it would lead to a much cheaper option tomorrow, once you have an educated population with hard working employees that at the same time are aware of their happiness levels.
  3. Actually, it is basically impossible that the mexican government cares about building that wall. If it is to be build, it would be with american money, lol
  4. It's a fox interview..... I'm p sure trump said he wanted to Mexican gov to help fund it... Look up the interview tho the Fox News lady's face is priceless when he says it
  5. "Giving everyone equal opportunities" lol aka communism. Sorry bud but everyone has different jobs at different pay there is nothing that should be or will ever be equal about that nor should it.
  6. Communism? What? Equal opportunities means every has a chance to make it. Aka "the American Dream".
  7. Correct me if I'm wrong, but you're speaking from the good end of that opinion.

    Also, someone should not be able to go to college and eventually get a decent job just because of the fact that their parents dont have the money?

    Heck, I live in pretty damn good conditions myself. But my mom has never had a job that pays well since college. She had to work two jobs in college just to get by, (her mother had no money to give her) which put her grades in the dump.

    Now, she's going back to school to become a therapist (pretty well payed) but she still won't be able to pay off the loans years after.

    Sorry to tell a personal story, but I needed an example.

    Does this seem like the way things should work? If we really are trying to operate with a functioning society, should we be discouraging people who are trying to benefit our economy by putting as many barriers in their way as possible?
  8. *insert picture from emperors new groove where ezma is saying "WELL YOU SHOULD HAVE THOUGHT OF THAT BEFORE YOU BECAME PEASANTS"*
  9. #Conservative
  10. I think that the greatest resource a country has are its people and their industriousness and ideas. I was always puzzled by how the USA willingly limits that.

    Having grown up and gone to university during the early 1990s in a country (Italy) where for me annual tuition cost US$150 per year (and I got half of that back because I had an A average) I am very puzzled by US tuitions.

    However, I understand cultural differences. A closer example to the US is Canada, where I have lived for 20 years now.

    Here are the average annual tuition costs for Canadian citizens and foreign students (In 2104 it was around CND $5780 for citizens):

    http://www.univcan.ca/universities/fact ... niversity/

    I think it helps immensely the country to have well educated citizens.

    On the topic of equality vs. equity, i don't understand why every time one discusses that in a US context people jump up with the 'free riding' argument. Granted there will be a percentage of people who abuse the system. How about the majority who really gets help and makes the country (and their own lives) better? Is it not better to live in a society with less poor people and more happy people?

    Here's how I see it:

  11. I've seen many, but whatever he says is far from what the mexican goverment would actually do
  12. It's crazy? It's almost as if we're saying the exact same thing but you're still trying to prove me wrong??? The Mexican government said they wouldn't pay so obviously they won't but thanks for educating me :)
  13. I am not trying to prove you wrong (?), like, yea, I know those interviews are out there and what he says blablabla, but still hard for that to actually happen. I'm not like "SHUDDUT U WRONG U FIGHT ME 1V1 BRO I WILL SHUT UR HOUSE ON FIRE M8". Lel
  14. I never said it would happen......... That's just my favorite quote.... The interviewer said "trump wants Mexico to pay for the wall" and the president of Mexico said F no on television and the fox lady was like "OMG" and I thought it was funny lol..... I just don't get what you're trying to say I guess
  15. Fight! Fight! Fight!
  16. Complains about paying a few dollars more taxes meanwhile scammed out of thousands a year by health insurance.  complains about uneducated youths and student debts, meanwhile questions publicly funded education. Socialist pig? A lot of the people who are on food stamps work minimum wage jobs, do you think corporations are altruistic enough to splash out on 300 million well paying jobs? Hard working or not money doesn't belong to you so you don't decide how much you will get, likewise the rich or well off keeping money is a huge part of the problems we face, the rumours are true money doesn't grow on trees and when it leaves the economy and doesn't come back that in the crap bracket grows. Don't want to be called ignorant don't be ignorant. 
  17. Look up asher edelmans interview with cnbc he is an infamous insider who has had a movie inspired by him for his wallstreet gambling he explains pretty concisively how money in the economy works.

    Also the net migration of mexicans to the US is negative as well as the fact more mexicans tend to come to the US by plane he is just playing to republican heartstrings and is more than likely going to flip flop on that on his general election curve.
  18. Guess its over