Lil how was that? Took me 1 minuteツ Think i should start a thread? I have a sick and imginative adhd mind.
Lololololollololol lololol lolololololololol lol lololololololololololololoololololol Trolololtrollol TROLLLLLLLLLLLL
Here's my guess: Thomas/Shawn would be too obvious. It can't be any of the victims or her friends cause they're all dead but Chris. The families of the victims didn't know (dangitiforgethowtospellhername) Casey? Kasey? Anyways. Theory 1: Chris is the killer. He has the MPD disorder thing and he's forgetting he killed people's. Theory 2: Chris is the killer. He has the MPD disorder thing and Kasey herself was one of his personalities. He is imagining all of this story from a padded room. Theory 3: It is a character we do not yet know of. This is a great story, I love it. Killer Inside and Killer Reborn are amazing, even though you're only six posts into KI, I know it'll be amazing.
it isn't Thomas. that's too obvious at this point. I think it's the little boy who's mom was stabbed as KC ran from the mall.
So, what are the theories so far? Who do you think the killer is? Place your bets! Btw Smighter, I like your idea of it all being fake. Unfortunately, it's not. :/
Tiger i must say it is very impressive that you have managed to make us bet over who the killer is. Well done