Its scary to think washing machines are taking over the world, come to think of it i heard some strange noises from the washing machine yesterday…
Plane.... So creative, you should really put that to use. No, it's a broken ankle. Chapter up tomorrow hopefully.
What I'm imagining in my head SCENE: Lil_Tiger's room Lil_Tiger is just waking up. Lil_Tiger: Ah, what a most excellent morning. I do feel so inspired. I believe I shall post a chapter of Killer Reborn. (smiling) Lil_Tiger climbs out of her bed, with a cast on her foot. She walks to her computer/mobile device and opens Kingdoms at War. Lil_Tiger: I shall just open up the forums...go to Fan Fic... Eureka! There it is, Killer Reborn! Now'll I'll just paste chapter one, an- Lil_Tiger jumps in pain and grabs at her broken ankle. Lil_Tiger: My ankle! My ankle! Chapter one will just have to wait, I suppose...(frowning) Meanwhile, in the secret lair of Killer Inside fans: Fan One: The not knowing is killing me! Who is the killer?! Fan Two: IT WAS TOTALLY CHRIS Fan Three: But Lil_Tiger said it wasn't Chris. Fan Two: SHE'S THROWING US OFF TRACK IT'S TOTALLY CHRIS Sobbing Fangirl: Is (sniff) KC coming back? (Sniff) I miss her so much...(sobs) Why can't I find my Chris (devolves into lump of tears) Fan One: Wait, everyone! My fandar just alerted me that Lil_Tiger is in trouble! Fan Three: Oh, no! Fan Two: CHRIS KILLED LIL_TIGER Normal Fan Fictioner: Geeze, quiet down guys. It's not like she's dead. Fangirl: But what if (sniff) she is?! Fan One: I'm not willing to take that chance. Fan powers, activate! Fan One disappears in a flash of smoke, along with Fans Two and Three. Back at Lil_Tiger's house... (Smoke flash) Fan Three: Tis us! Fan One: Your noble fans! Fan Two: I BET RADCLIFFE DID THIS TO YOU DIDN'T HE Lil_Tiger: Oh, my heroes! But alas I must confess that my ankle is fine, for I am in fact...KC! Fans One and Three: (gasp) No! Fan Two: KC'S ALIVE TOTALLY CALLED IT KC: Yes! It's the perfect plan: masquerade as an author with a "fictional" tale, so that no one will think I'm still alive. KC pulls out a knife and throws it into Fan One's chest. Fan Three: No!! Fan One!! KC: Muahahaha! Fan Three attempts to knock over KC, but fails as she stabs him with another knife. Fan Three: I was rooting (cough)...for you...(dies) KC: It's just me and you, Fan Two! Now you will die! Fan Two: Not so fast, KC! 'Cuz I'm Radcliffe, beach! KC: Noo! Radcliffe takes out a gun and shoots KC. She spasms and falls to the ground in a pool of blood. Just as she dies, Chris walks in. Radcliffe sets the gun next to him. The police barge in. Sergeant Carl: Who did this? Who killed all these people?! Radcliffe: IT WAS TOTALLY CHRIS Fin. Aaaaaand that is what happens when it's late and you haven't slept well for days. PS Thanks for being an awesome writer, Lil_Tiger :3
This feedback thread is much longer than the story, lol. Anyways, Chapter's up. Btw, nice story there Very creative. I'll have to keep that I mind.... Sorry to disappoint, I don't think I'm going on a mad killing spree quite yet.