--DK--, you'er full of yourself, i have had no incoming other than one steal 2 days ago. You may also need to check my resume, I am as scrappy as they come. Show me you main or a big alt, till then all you are to me is a loud mouth coward or values fake gold and **** talking. Spineless and lowly. I may hit ebs but I would much rather pvp someone when I am on.
Knight of serenity think about it if I just hit my alt the whole time then I'm getting free feathers as to someone who wars or hits ebs who may lose a war, fail a eb, or the eb doesn't drop feathers it's completely unfair to them that I'm making easy feathers when there actually trying do you see how it's exploited now
Lose an ee, that happens, that is why ee pays more. Fail an eb, that's your fault. There are small ebs that you can hit and win. Also, if you make it where scouts don't drop feathers, you can only hit an account so many times and the feathers should be random. That and you can set it like plunder, hit smaller, drops become extremely rare, hit same size or bigger chances of getting a drop becomes greater. -Also failed hits don't drop feathers. So please, before yelling and screaming exploit, think about it some.
Not everyone can run 2 minute ebs, not everyone can ee. Everyone can ospvp. And if you set the rate of drops compared to the size of your enemy you can eliminate the alt hitting. Like: under your cs - your chance of a drop is 0.001 then jump that to 0.5 if the enemy is the same size cs and all of that fancy other stuff (bfa and bfe) then if they are bigger, make the drop rate 1%. You don't have to use those numbers, they are just examples, but a good base idea. Also that system is already in place with the mechanics of plunder. And remember, players do become dtw.