Feather tracking thread

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Moose2, Mar 15, 2014.

  1. 43 Origins
  2. 11 from awakening
    Nothing from Warbeasts/Cover of night/Regular haunt
  3. Nothing from Nml or tfo, 45 on hte, 41 on rotwb and 35 on smoke signal all from a couple hrs ago
  4. war 9 dropped 500 feathers to winners and war 10 only 60 (with ee lvl 5) its common knowlege that obviously haunting the escape eb will drop the most threwout the event. As did fangs and moths. I currently have 1k feathers
  5. HTE here is dropping no more than 43 and no less than 43. A solid 43 every time.
  6. 35 from Smoke signals twice now
  7. I got 444 from a war won yesterday
  8. My pillow this morning dropped around 30-40 feathers :)) hope I will get more tomorrow :eek:
  9. I read the description.... Basically you hunt a giant chicken to get its feathers for equip. -_-
  10. That's cool. I make a thread for his but some popular user does too Guess no hope for me 
  11. I found a feather duster under the stairs, I currently have 653 feathers 
  12. TFO does NOT drop feathers
  13. We completed a regular haunting about an hr ago. No feathers dropping their ATM
  14. Awakening is drops 12 so far
  15. Do any of these drop banner stuff and feathers?
  16. Best eb for feathers atm is revenge coz
    Rotwb are quick and you get 40-45 with 10-12 actions on eb

    I see btb rotwbclans coming to rise
  17. Haunting No feathers