Favorite Slang Terms in Your Region

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by september_doves, Feb 20, 2020.

  1. As many of us know, the English language is a very strange one. Even though languages are weird on their own, the widespread nature of English has caused many different regional dialects. One notable difference is slang terms used. My particular dialect, known as Coonass, gets me strange looks from people outside of that area. Even people from other parts of my region look at me funny when I mention how me and my podnahs got pie-yah’d last weekend with the watahs we got from our parents liquor cabinets. Seeing as KaW has players all over, what are some weird and wonderful phrases from where you’re from? You don’t have to say where you’re from.

    I’ll make a list of mine first

    1. Podnah- roughly translates to buddy
    2. Pie-yah’d- drunk
    3. Pie-yaow- an exclamation, usually when demonstrating how something works or when describing how hard of an impact something else made.
    4. Dic- used by one male to another male meaning close friend. Best used in the same way as calling your friend “brother”
    5. Sac- interchangeable with dic
    6. Hydrated- drunk. Used by teenagers around parents when discussing hydrated misadventures
    7. Drinking dem watahs- the act of getting drunk. See no. 6.
    8. Dem watahs- Alcoholic beverages. See no. 6
    9. Coc-strong- naturally big, strong. Usually refers to male
    10. Choppah- firearm, usually specifically a pistol
    11. Wet-bag- Dairy cow
    12. Strong as a lizard- see no. 9
    13. Ole boy- used to refer to a male who is not present. Not derogatory. For example, “I was drinkin dem watahs with my cousin last night, ole boy got in a bad fight”
    14. Duck-foot- anyone who has large feet
    15. Ole lady- one’s girlfriend/wife

    I would be fascinated to hear y’all’s slang words please
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  2. Ahlie - I know right