Jak series. SW battlefront series. Sly. Only ps2 games i loved. Gamecube had a bunch i loved. Tales of symphonia, zelda wind waker, super smash bros. But i grew up with a ps1 and snes. Ps1 had final fantasy 6-9 legend of dragoon, crash, spyro, glover, and a lot of others. Snes had ff6, chrono trigger, zelda link to the past, and many others. Am i the only that can name 100 times the number of old games i liked compared to new?
Jak (3 was my favorite) Star Wars battlefront 1 and 2 Dear god it's been so long I can't remember any others lol.
Medal of honour, call of duty all the various games, Max Payne , BloodRayne , Dynasty Warriors 5 ? I think that was the number, baldur's gate 1
Dang it, how could I forget those? The two where you played as Gimli, Legolas, and Aragorn were all amazing. Then there was The Third Age with totally different characters and gameplay. I loved all three.