Ashes, was good for 20 minutes but it just got boring after that. So I refunded it and got rust instead. 18+ FO4 mods you say? *goes to FO4 Nexus*
I really dont see the appeal of dota 2 and LoL, imo smite is much better, gives me a better feeling when I play
Smite is better graphically than dota and lol but has it's own flaws. Dota is far more complicated than lol which is more more complicated than smite. I personally have played all 3 and unless you want to invest a lot of time I advise sticking to smite.
M2TW X3TC and X3AP, still trying to finish a game but generally start anew after any time away instead Skyrim, ditto. Started a new game a few weeks ago just to try a different level up progression.
Yassssssssssssssssss the FO4 nexus is going through that "phase". Like skyrim and FONV. Is the mod creation kit even out? I can't wait for daughter of ares to be ported from NV. Hehe. I just like Ashes cause of DX12. I took out my nvidia cards and dropped in a 390X. Reason why:
I'm confused, a person said the division sucks because it's held back to compare with consoles? When did graphics become the most important thing about a game?
What's wrong with better graphics? If I'm playing on a system capable of outputting good graphics then i would at least hope the devs design the game to take advantage of that. And yeah, the "Next gen" consoles aren't that great.. If the devs lowered the graphics to be on par with consoles then i would not play that game. If it's just a port, i'd play it.
Jesus I couldnt agree less on this, the graphics in smite are underwhelming and mehy, they're too cartoony for the realistic look and they're too realistic for a cartoon like look. Dota2 just feels really clunky and is just quite boring an unsatisfying. For me league of legos is the only truly satisfying and enjoyable moba. The huge range of champions and just how influential all champions have on how you play brings unique gameplay to every match even if you're a one trick pony that can only play one champion. Ive played a lot of league, a fair bit of smite since it's release and ive played about 4 hours of dota2. Smite definitely has potential. They're doing a lot of the right stuff. I like the hundreds of pings you can use. I like that it has an all skill shot oriented gameplay to it and I like that they use gods and godesses. I like the minion animations and I like the flying above the map on some Gods/Goddesses but idk there's just always a level of underwhelming feelings I associate with smite. Sure some of the God's and Goddess' kits are relatively unique to each others but they just don't feel unique in terms of gameplay and I feel the third person and the skill shots only are what really limit this. The selling point of the game is also what holds it back from being so much more unique. In league it feels like there are so many unique and exciting mechanics and plays that take a lot of grinding to really understand fully. Smite it feels like each god has some generic traits and their ultimates are slightly unique to each other's. Whenever a new god is released, it never feels like WOAH THIS GOD LOOKS INSANE the only two gods I've ever felt that about are ratatasker and the horrific god of decay (cant remember name rn) aside from that, none of the reworks or new Gods ever make me go "ohell I'd really like to come back and play that" . Actually that all fire goddes kinda excited me a bit too but she looked kinda difficult to play when first announced... Anyway back to my point, in the time ive played smite, there's rarely anything that brings me back to the game. It feels very underwhelming to play despite the good concepts it has. League is extremely satisfying and rewarding to play. I always feel so euphoric after getting a penta kill or 1v2 outplaying a gank or dominating lane, stealing blue buffs, killing dragons, ganking for my time, counter ganking and getting a triple. Everything just feels soooo satisfying and euphoric.