Used to play a lot of league til it started to reform to all the bad players and kids who can't take swear words. Now I just play dat CSGO. And if anyone wanna play csgo comp some time hmu.
CSGO Diablo 3 The Division League of Legends I play these the most, feel free to pm if you ever want to play!
Dodging Windows 10 Upgrade Nag messages kinda like the Old Mine Sweeper but with real risk if you press the wrong place.
Currently I'm playing around on rust building whatever I can inside a rock so my loot boxes can't be plundered
I name u a few i enjoyed playing it KaW All kind of Left4Dead All kinds of Call of Duty Blackshot SEA AVA FIFA Online 3 LoL Dota2 All kinds of Age of Empires The Sims 4 All kinds of Warcraft Minecraft All kinds of CRYSIS And lots2 more
There are too many games to list here ;_; Plus my wallet is still pretty hurt from the last few sales.. I got Fallout 4 on sale, MGSV TPP, and Ashes of the singularity.. Currently playing a heavily modded FO4 (god these texture mods and 18+ mods are pretty good)