Discussion in 'Wars' started by llIIllIll_Pup-Devil_llIlIllII, Dec 31, 2012.

  1. The wannabe warriors trying to gain cred will make fun of those who buy def pots during war.

    I can understand the silliness of buying sdp while being stripped and unpinned.

    But if you are in a pvp or any other situation...have full defence pots. If it is low, top it up. It is not about banking (where you plan to unbank for gold out).

    It is to minimise defense losses, deter enemies, make them pot up to hit you and feel unsure if they will win even after potting up.
  2. True true ^^
  3. they have to learn just like we all are
  4. Omg I can't figure out how to post pics in forums