Discussion in 'Wars' started by Noobicus_Maximus, Jun 4, 2013.

  1. Lethal don't insult wordwaster like that he's the most annoying player on kaw no one can beat him.
  2. Bc a ps is pointless  you talk about eb fairies and everything else yet you say Att for using spies  you talk about enjoying farming kaw yet limit yourself to only half of farming, your a waste of breathe and attention seeking whore  this whole thread was to get your name out, I'm a big bad Internet tuff guy that went ps so I have nothing to lose and gonna hit a big clan for as long as I feel like... ya I can do that with many of my own alts if I want be a annoying little piss ant like you 

     A large pure spy omg what am I going to do wait sb him to pin then he can't do  against my towers yup that's easy 
  3. 15 pages looks like op is winning!
  4. Note: you fool arguing over regen/regain they both mean the same damn thing.
  5. The only thing I must say about Zaft, is that they use to put there new members through a process for them to become a perm, now it seems that they accept anyone in there clan, and as for the farming of Zaft, that will not happen, there is a lot of clans that do not like Zaft, but Zaft is way to big to take on, so good luck
  6. @ bringer of rain.....Rage noob, rage!!!! There u go,,get all pissy and cry about something insignificant,,show everyone how important this game is in your life :)
  7. Rain sees my failed steals in his news,,,sorry hitting outa pin atm,,ill x tal and light your ass up
  8. So far I've been called a coward for going PS by a guy who dropped to GH for e war and another that slapped his build full of towers...let me restate the point I made 50 times, I don't grind ebs, how do u suggest I get allies? Pay real $ for em like u probably did rain
  9. I think op is trolling now. Or he's just sheer dumb.
  10. Lol I'm not a troll, or an attention all the time I've played this is first thread I've done ,, One guy hitting the biggest family in kaw is funny, just thought I'd share and get a chuckle out of the posts... Mission complete
  11. I don't think ZAFT cares about you. You're a fail attention seeking pure spy with no allies. The biggest thing you could be is a speck of dust in ZAFTs trophy room.
  12. And bacon you've posted this thread more than anyone, so if this thread makes me an idiot what does it make the #1 responder to it ;)
  13. It wouldn't make me an idiot. That makes no sense and has no logic behind it.
  14. 3 failed stls come on tickle harder big bad tuff guy
  15. Still waiting for that xstal 
  16. Lol ya your a bad dude when u know zaft is on me 24/7. We will revisit this when I'm not being hit by 50 people. K bud?
  17. Oh ya talked so big about xstals well I'm full light me up ya sissy 
  18. Wait nvmd that's what noobs do... no follow through when the chest bumps  big bad ps being pinned by 50 people and talks a big game till called out 
  19. Lmao ya u call me out while I'm being hit by zaft and I still enter your news feed,,I'm the sissy? " hey this guys got zaft on him I'm gonna use this as an opportunity to talk smack to someone",...your a coward, your every statement on here proves it