Discussion in 'Wars' started by Noobicus_Maximus, Jun 4, 2013.

  1. I believe this thread is a way for him to let out all of his rage due to his being farmed and what not.
  2. I would just like to thank you OP for confirming what intuition told me the minute you got to ZF Warriors--that you were up to something and it wasn't good. We clashed because I didn't trust you or like your non-stop bragging (you should try humility sometime) and it seems my intuition was right on the money. My one regret is that I didn't share my feelings with Drift and Jeremy and that won't happen again no matter where I am. So scout bomb away 
  3. i like your smiley in the title :)
  4. Oh apple,,that's right u left bc being admin was stressing u out...:( lol...and no u were wrong u wannabe zaft groupie who went crying to them to put the guy farming u in ca then dipped on em after the had your back,,,u are wring bc I joined zaft to give em a shot and bc I had friends in that clan,,being their made me realize how much I truly dislike them,,I time them I was leaving, said my good Byes,,then started hitting,,was no deceit involved
  5. Im confused at the drama part. You attack them there going to pin you. You have no allies because *you dont want them* but without your no threat to anyone in zaft. And unless your here to bully small children anyone who wars isnt going to cry about it there going to mess you up. You get your kicks from somthing you can't possibly achive. Were is the fun in that? Its like if my weak self started dumping on a leaderboard top 20. Your tickling them.
  6. I mean "I told them" lol
  7. Haze you know nothing,,most of zaft is easily hit by an hlbc,,,u don't understand game mechanics, someone has to have a large spy bfa before a BC PS can't hit em ,,study up before u comment
  8. Sorry but does no one know when/how to use there/their/they're?

    There- telling where something is
    Their- possessive
    They're- they are
  9. You haven't got a clue why I left, nor is it any of your business. However I will say, I left FOR NOW out of respect for Drift and wanting to do the right thing, two things you clearly know nothing about. Three things for you to work on in between scoutbombs - humility, respect and knowing when to do the right thing.
  10. I. I dont beleive you do. You can only hit attack builds. My friends in my clan are not great but any of them with attack builds have hansels just as strong as you not including there 1 trill in allies. Its true i dont know much about zaft but everyone talks about them like there the biggest clan currently. And i cant beleive my clan is any better then them. I dont hear anything positive about them so i understand were your comming from. But i know nobody hits over 5 mill cs attack build that dosent run a hansel for atleast a bank alt.
  11. Original haze, u do realize how many are in zaft right? There not all LB monsters ,,yes I can hit most of zaft successfully with pots,,no not the spy bfa monsters but ya mist as in probably 85%
  12. And apple shut up your a coward,,u ran to zaft for help bc u were benign farmed by a medium sized PS then dipped on em after we pinned him for like a week for u..nobody likes u your annoying, uninstall kaw
  13. No your right i dont. Im simply assuming from what my clanmates told me. I do know zaft is made up from like 6+ clans. However once you farm a little one we still go back to the point the big ones are just going to retaliate? Leaving you on the losing side correct? Im not trying to argue with you im simply curious as to what you will gain from it? You cant really take much. Only get taken from.
  14. it really shouldn't be this funny watching you talk out your _ _ _(hint for the nimwit) but it is. Keep it up, the more you talk, the less intelligent your responses become and the more we all laugh at you. Where's the wordmaster when you need him?
  15. Haze I've been playing a while bro, I had no delusions I'd win anything out of this..I'm just a simple guy,,I saw a target I didn't like, I hit attack, again and again and again...lolol
  16. BTW love the show of backbone - sending me a PM and then unfollowing me  Afraid of a ?
  17. Alright that i can understand. Your huge and its taken me forever to still be tiny. Countless eb grinding is already boring so i get it now.
  18. @ apple ..I need to learn respect, humility, and when to do the right thing? I respect few, humility is boring, and this is a game ,,anything I do is the right thing :) shut up and go leech off more people bc your a girl and guys on here tolerate u simply bc of that
  19. yes apple I'm afraid of someone that runs to zaft for help when someone half their size is farming them ...I un followed you bc your one of the most annoying people I've met on here and several at ZFW thought so to