Discussion in 'Wars' started by Noobicus_Maximus, Jun 4, 2013.

  1. Yea your smart op they will make u reset lol i bet the only one you can hit is their last member
  2. Getting farmed by ZAFT 85% of kaw vs ZAFT in OSW seems like that ZAFT wins
  3. Stop letting your noob show faze, u don't understand the game,,I can hit everyone in zaft except the big LB peeps
  4. Lord, maybe only 15% of kaw is zaft, the rest have friends in zaft or connections with zaft.
  5. Warry is right, The only way Zaft stays strong is by allies which I respect that, But I've seen most of Zafts allies handling the farming work
  6. 15% of kaw is ZAFT? Really? That sounds way too high.
  7. Warry all the more reason to hate them ,,their getting even bigger with these sub clans,,why don't we just all be zaft,,we will all just be one big happy family and help each other with ebs and have friendly in family e war battles......sad part is most of u would love that
  8. You have a problem with clan growth? It's part if the game.
  9. Zaft is 15% of kaw? lol
  10. It seems whenever you can't make a statement that is true against mine, you just se to try and convince me to play in traffic.
  11. Ohhh awwww woooowww a ps that talks big  boring
  12. Bacon your comments are completely irrelevant to anything I say ,,plz grow a couple mil cs so I can make u my perm farm just in case this zaft thing runs dry, your ignorance annoys me really bad for some reason
  13. My so called 'ignorance'. Called someone names is a greater sign of ignorance than trying to have an educated discussion.
  14. Lmao why does everyone keep pure spy bashing,,unlike most of you losers I don't enjoy clicking a button hitting the same ebs over and over and over and over .......I play this as a pvp war game bc that's the only fun aspect of it for me ....sooo when I finally got to hlbc and got the equip I needed I said I'm done,,no more grind,,just fun for now on,,pure spy was the perfect fit,,I choose not to eb grind for allies, pure spy is perfect build for that...really not understanding all the pure spy hate,,I'd imagine its mostly coming from eb queens
  15. I think its Cuz its always the starless Alts or pure spies with nothing to lose that always post these threads
  16. Well ya but if your gonna play the game the way I play it why would u even try to have allies lol...all I do is raise hell,,I don't hide behind big alliances so I'd be stripped often ,,and the second part is I don't really hit ebs often and I'm not paying real money for allies so screw em lol
  17. People assuming I went ally less out of cowardice,, couldn't be more wrong,,I don't keep allies bc I don't gold grind, I farm, u PS haters do your thing and grind for allies and ill do mine,,log in when I feel like it, light some unexpecting player up,,and have a little chuckle with my friends at the drama it stirs up
  18. Well, you chose to EB grind to get HLBC :lol:
    239k wins, wonder where the bulk of it came from. :roll:

    I'll give you that, the T5 Hansel is a great OSW build, one where you can sleep in peace.

    But you wouldn't be trash talking on the forums, If you were a HLBC attack build, that had something to lose and could be attacked. ;)

    That tells us something. :-D
  19. Attention whore :)