Idc, when I spell realise, it has red dots under it, when I spell realize, it does not, so that's what I go by.
Snr you are correct we do war 1 v 1 ...I've explained this before someone has already said a pure spy no allies acting brave hmm seen that before
Ya I choose to go no allies ,,I don't get free gold bc I'm not a dev unlike the leaders of zaft, ya I said it.
Yup there just dedicated players like you and I,,they worked hard and got to the top, keep believing that..hey maybe you'll get where red star is in allies if I keep at it buddy. Lol ..funny zaft is at the top of GAW as well,another thinking ape game ,,does this smell funny to anyone else ?
No. You think devs support zaft? You're very wrong. They are pocket and clock warriors. They just burn xtals and nobs like no tomorrow. They earned it.
Bacon no matter how much u suck up their not gonna let u in till u grow bro,,keep going though maybe you'll suck your way to the top..and I didn't say devs support zaft,,I said the big LB leaders of zaft ARE devs
I think you are smoking all the inferno you buy. The devs do not play as ZAFT. Saying that would be saying the devs maintain and purchase on 1000 plus accounts every hour or so. I haven't applied for ZAFT and probably never will. I don't see an insult in saying I will suck my way to the top.
Op, I doutbt you are Zafts main concern.... I would bet you fall neer the bottom of there list of priorities.
Says the guy who dropped to guild hansel to be successful in e war ,,couldn't hack it as BC in e war right? U call me a coward lmfao
Since I'm using proper English grammar and you aren't, you trying to tell me that my sentences are wrong, would be calling yourself a hypocrite. I believe that 100% of my earlier posts were completely sensible. I feel no reason to go run in a street and get killed.