He's suffering from brain damage after the ass whoopin he recieved from ZAFT komora. They bullied him. Now he's a Anti-Bully socialist
Lulz Lol beat you on an argument and you move on to insulting, typical idiot. Anyways farmer komora, farming really everyone has their opinions in it. Farming for me again is ok, with a good reason or a clan vs clan OSW. Farming someone though to the extent they can no longer play AKA pinned 24/7 spy and attack wise for months is just wrong is it not? Of course except if they hugely offended you such as racism or something. A clan farming a guy for months for no reason or for a very low reason, is it not bullying? If not then well good luck in RL. ZAFT farming me? Lol they didn't bully me I know how ZAFT works, they accepted my CF request did they not? How is that bullying? Use your brain guys seriously or were you born without it?
Says the guy whos farming a EB noob on his wall. LOL. Just cos he called you out on a real life fight which clearly would never happen. Thats a good reason to beat on him huh dummy?
Lol nothing wrong with hitting someone in this game yes. But again put into context a clan farming 1 guy for months for no reason. You practically just killed his gameplay, getting farmed by a clan for months alone for no reason and CF not possible. Is that not bullying? Bro seriously, just, you lost the argument. Go home.
Lulz yes so then I guess bullying hasn't occured yet, but the fact is it COULD happen, so yes bullying exists in this game if they want to of course
@ The idiot Lulz though: Not even the whole story known to you? Lol for one we actually are from the same country how bout that. Second he has pissed off alot of people let me cite an example: I have seen him threaten guys with 13M cs because they bought an ally of him (that costs like 50B btw).
Let me tell you what i think bullying is..when people pick on others who are super small and defenseless. Clan v 1, same thing. But i havent seen it occur yet FOR NO REASON.
LOL you assinate my units Lulz (assuming that it is you) and you self-pin at the first sight of return fire? Go back to being an EB/EE fairy you ****.
Lulz so you admit that bullying could happen? Then we're now on the same page, good to know you hbe a brain. I didn't say that it has happened already did I? I just said it COULD happen.
I admit i self pinned. Cos i had 146bill +out. Only reason. I have nothing other than that to lose. But since am a EB/EE fairy. Keep the hits coming and we can dog it out.
I think those were steals if am not wrong, check your newsfeed again. Unless am fighting a wussy liar who just wants to look good in forums..
Ok so it is you? Ok don't cry to clanmates when I strip you ok? Lets keep this 1 on 1 if you're a man.
Strip me off my 18bill ally? LOL. Go ahead, my gold is potted. Plus all i see is fails in my newsfeed so good luck with that strip.
Komora then shut the **** up and keep your opinions to yourself. That clan just destroyed his gameplay probably AKA forced reset or inactivity, and that is bullying, you cant admit it cause you dont want to admit you lost the argument you dumb ****.