Farming rule = gay

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by eddzie, Jul 17, 2010.

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  1. I could find you a alliance list has at least 5 who openly acknowledge it, but I've never paid much attention as to exactly who
  2. Ugh...I'll have to find them...near 600 clans to go through

    lol, nah, just about 200 or so
  3. 5x mm i like to mix it up 6x is my favorite 9x is a mutiply of 3 so its cool mm. Go crazy it is just a game ^_^
  4. I agree eddzie. 5 hits is kinda weak. And then u have ppl that don't know what farming is. Anyways I argue with tibitts about this sometimes. Why don't u be my lawyer and let him know what time it is.
  5. Yah! I wrote this at 4 In the morning I'm sure...
  7. Hmmmm. Well the 5X rule should apply BUT not in a war. By agreeing to be active in the war, you also openly agree that you're going to get attacked and shouldn't whine if you do get involved cuz simple solution to that: withdraw.

    Yes you lose out on a chance to win lots - but you don't get anything worth while for nothing.

    I think people who whine about being farmed should realised it's just a game, it's not like somebody is actually dipping into real money anyway. Yeah, kcik up **** if your REAL bank balance zips, but not ona virtual simulation. Christ...
  8. I did not bump this thread to spam, but to contribute to this thread. I believe that the 5 hit rule is stupid and was made up by dumb noobs who can't handle a real war game.
  9. You are still going to be banned. This doesn't contribute. This topic is over.
  10. On my god. Derp face
  11. Wow this thread is like a soap opera
  12. sorry I'm gonna have to post my thoughts on your news.
  13. I take real offense to this thread... Using the term gay has nothing to do with farming rule. Use a bigger vocabulary then saying things r gay because u are hurting a ton of people when you say thing like that don't like it walk me
  14. @ Ninja
    Oversensitive much?
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