farming idea

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by BloodyManiac, Feb 17, 2013.

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  1. Re: farming ideas

    This is a FREE game. That means that everyone who plays it has the right to play. ATA could get sued for using a stupid rule like this. You can't take away a person's right to play just because you don't like him/her.
  2. Like a couple years
  3. @Invincible You can farm him. His main is DeadlyManiac
  4. Please direct your attention to:

    Craptastic Ideas! By Moose
  5. That's not in the USA rules
  6. A couple years?! I reset a month ago and I made more progress than you did in a couple YEARS?!

    Look out everyone, we've got a badass over here!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
  7. I converted not lint ago. Lost between 1-2m cs
  8. All in favor say I
  9. 1 supporter already
  10. Yes, because EVERYONE would love to become a permanent EB fairy.

    /end sarcasm
  11. Do you mean the laws? It IS in the law! It's called a "hate crime" when you take away someone's freedoms because you don't like him/her.
  12. That was at OP saying

    "1 supporter already"
  13. I know I would!

    /end super mega ultra sarcasm
  14. I....want to farm you.

    Oh and to everybody else he's lying. He's only been active a week on this alt...not sure why he made it a week ago for this post but whatever.
  15. Also scientists ideas ended up good because they actually were good. Now your idea on the other hand...
  16. Wrong no such thing I know my USA rules
  17. OP, you have no supporters, or friends, for that matter. Leave.
  18. I completely Troppus the idea............

    Of farming the OP and his main :D
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