Re: farming ideas This is a FREE game. That means that everyone who plays it has the right to play. ATA could get sued for using a stupid rule like this. You can't take away a person's right to play just because you don't like him/her.
A couple years?! I reset a month ago and I made more progress than you did in a couple YEARS?! Look out everyone, we've got a badass over here!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
Do you mean the laws? It IS in the law! It's called a "hate crime" when you take away someone's freedoms because you don't like him/her.
I....want to farm you. Oh and to everybody else he's lying. He's only been active a week on this alt...not sure why he made it a week ago for this post but whatever.
Also scientists ideas ended up good because they actually were good. Now your idea on the other hand...