Farming B2B

Discussion in 'Wars' started by smokinbandit, May 21, 2014.

  1. I actually took a screenshot of Chubby's support post.
  2. Beow i was rejected by 3 hte clans(can name them) just coz my stats were 150k/150k; 50/50k but these guys accepted me. So yes they run differently from others. And such a difference is good atleast fr noobs like me. Val dear those r not splng mstks those r shrtcuts wic u need to learn. To all those noobs who wrote SUPPORT without knowing the reason of all this should be thrown out of kaw. Its cz of u guys kaw has turned out to be game where common man with poor eb build cant speak in forums cant place ad in wc. U guys hv turned kaw to 2-3 clan show. They rule kaw cz u guys dnt hv guts to oppose them. Go ahead i hv 200b out hit me farm me. U guys want good mtch up in wars then y such a mtch fr osw?? R eb fairies peeps not here to play?? B2bhaunt vs osw clan?? Lol nxt tym think twice bfre asking devs fr better mtch up in wars wen u guys dnt use brain hw will devs use?? Haha it should be osw vs osw clan. If u wanna shw ur strength hit them nd shw ur strength. Why rabbit is not replying to these post now?? I can see lbs bck to united to lend their support. And Rabbit plz tell us the reason will love to hear that so that after reading i can write SUPPORT too. And from now on i will speak against any injustice done here in kaw whthr ur clan is#2 or 1. If u r wrong u will find me. I will speak now fr those eb fairies clan. Lol
  3. Oh so youre just hte hunting and not looking for a real family clan. Good luck then buddy. All the best.
  4. Share some of that 5 trill when u get it yeah? A lil ps like me needs it xD
  5. It's not really much of a shortcut. It takes more time thinking of how to shorten the word efficiently than it does just typing normally lmao.
  6. It's bad enough he made a wall of text, those abbreviations are mental torture. To think, i stopped revising physics for a break on kaw, and now i have to concentrate just to read a reply to a thread /)_-
  7. Cool story bro.
  8. Do you want it told again? I can feel your urges for it
  9. I remember imarabbit when he had a horde of rabbits fighting at the mercy of his will lol. His clan was cool. They would attack in unison. Imarabbit is an old school farmer. Much respect.
  10. I had a 1v1 with rabbit a long time ago. was fun.
  11. Omg rabbit :shock: I've been wondering where you've been hiding long time no see and good luck :p
  12. I saw a few people asking. And as im.tending this hangover and kinda bored well I lie down cause of a severe vodka headache ill go ahead and mention the "why"... :) I joined b2bhaunt after my feather hunting (which I also farmed during). I sealed and wanted to seal multiple times. When I requested to do so after my first seal I was not only denied I was told I would be able to seal only after new joiners as they were required to seal first. This I could handle and accepted. Most hte clans will do this to insure against scammers. But after being pushed back in que 7 times I got very irritated. Nkt only were they pushing me back for new sealers but also for people who's passes were expired. This I did not agree with as everyone has to sleep and I was tired. I asked politely to please not be pushed back and I was laughed at in cc. This was at b2bhaunt. Later that day I was followed and pm'd by b2bkozzykatb2b or b2b_kozzykat_b2b. Sorry hungover.... anyway he/she stated that I had to leave because people were complaining about me complaining. With 1 day into my seal I disagreed. Kozzy was very adamant I had to go. So I started farming. And here I am. Still going and jot giving a ****. For 1 persons mistake ill hit any and all b2b members I can until this issue is made right. And by being made right I mean 5 trillion gold in repercussions as conditions for a ceasefire. Adjustable at my discretion. Thank you all for your time. Please continue to farm strip pin zero me. I simply dont care and will not stop. Enjoy united. Thank kozzy for this mess ;)
  13. Teach the eb noobs a lesson. If you ever need an extra fb or 2 for a strip youre pulling off just hmu.
  14. Rabbit was asked to leave because he was farming ppl in clan.What he said is partly true. The being asked to leave was for farming in clan.
  15. People who had more time and needed to reseal were first.Thats just the rules.No reason to farm clan.He was going to do it and only wanted excuse
  16. 
  17. Why care for reasons ewwwwww
  18. Hmmm, you know what this sounds like, a cry for help. So sad.
  19. Lol.