FarmFest Winners Thread!!

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by R0X3Y, Mar 15, 2017.

  1. My FF Highlights

    This was the first ff I participated in. Just because I've never done it before and I wanted to form my open opinion about it. Most of my friends are not very big on it saying that it's a bunch of losers wanting to feel big by trying to farm noobs and fairies.

    After initial rush it does get boring. Fishing for a noob, beating out a tear... rinse and repeat.

    I consider the highlight of my ff sitting on ppl who tried to hit into my clan. Now THAT was awesome.

    Really? :roll: ummm... cause:

    Also it was fun watching ppl sit in cc and blantly lie about the xtals, the inc they give, the inc they get.

    Funny how some ppl would hit family in an attempt to score a point lol.

    Big thank u goes to -Mrs_iReg- for ur tears in CC and the third party app

    U couldn't do a thing, hun. U've been sat on till the end of ff.
  2. PE didn't have that. Lol

    Dunno about Sabotage
  3. Lmao :lol: :lol: :lol:

    Lil those ss's are something epic :lol:

  4. Ash i think PE had a more humbled lot. I mean.. CC was crazy but tbh.. their egos were tucked away nicely. I wonder if that is because i was there? We both know how HUGE my ego(s) is/are....
  5. We both have enough crazy in us for the whole lot. Lol

  6. Lmao :lol: i know

    But you're like stab vest crazy.

    Crazy pants <3
  7. Lol , they thought out of sight and out of mind .So they could break the rules that were set for everybody else. Not to hit into family or osw clans .But lol got busted .Some people are not too bright and think they can lie their way through and nobody would be none the wiser . Such fail farmers adrift this time round . Excellent ownage Aztec and Lili . You never know whose who right Lili lol , unless your me and know alts like 2nd nature .Fabulous expose screenshots . !!
  8. Roxey change your line picture. The butt hole scares me
  9. My ego is dare u to not include it?!
  10. You're the softie, B. 
  11. Ugh..sometimes yes :/

  12. I just spat a perfecting good drink of JD and coke alllllllllllllll over myself.

    Pffft. :lol: :lol: :lol:
  13. Also Update!!

    The Devs will be distributing the official FF badges to our 4 winners over the next 24 hours!!
  14. 
  15. Mines not gonna cost me 10t is it ? That would be devious
  16. Thank you for keeping the true spirit of KAW alive. After a 3 year break and having to build a new acct, it good to see people are keeping the old ways alive
  17. Congrats to all the winners this year ! And to everyone that organized,judged,and participated you all rock !!

  18. Lmao :lol: :lol: :lol:

    Yes indeed.
  19. I think we should tax him at this point. Treat it like a loan. I mean, how long does it take for a bc player make 10t? Nigel please..40% every day Onesy >:/
  20. I'd like to congratulate Kawika, I gave him a free point for his efforts