FarmFest Winners Thread!!

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by R0X3Y, Mar 15, 2017.

  1. huhuhu, farmfest is so cool my mom was one of the winners

  2. Your mom did more then win. Let's just say all FF participants were treated to her daily specials!
  3. rox3y ur being mean. I would like an apology for my hert fellingz

  4. You don't haf feelingz, Wot you lying 4? Smh. I ain't sayin' soz to no1! Meanie4lyfe init
  5. How pathetic and sad .Rox3y lying about me and Lili never had no inc from Fear_the_bird over farmfest ,nor did i ever speak to him. i dont even know of him . But really sweet you use our names to grab some attention that we can draw to your pages.
  7. You should re-read 
  8. She reads fine, it's the way she comprehends what she reads that is the issue. ;)

  9. He really should re-read :lol: :lol:

    You're telling me you don't expect anything different from an illiterate-loose-lipped-gender-confused-inbred do you?

    Smh H! :lol:

  10. LMAO :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  11. as i sayd before dont use my name or Lili's to pretend we got inc from Fear_the_bird because we never at all. Put up the screenshots of me and Lili crying .You cant because we never even spoke to him . Poor roxey getting exposed yet again in his lies.And i am female my name is veronica.But you can say i am a man all you like .The ones that matter on kaw know i am female. Roxey is just jealous .Roxey will go back under his rock for the rest of the year now. 3 days of the year is the only time it can get noticed on kaw .
  12. I'm still salty over the tool comment, fb roxey np
  13.  congratulations Kawika 
  14. Jealous I didn't get to participate, some friends tell me it was really fun and I missed out :/ But congratulations all
  15. You realise you need to take your not-so-big-bad-self and re-read the only part i allowed you to have some relevance. I mean, Ronald. You should thanking me really ;)

  16. Dude, you are a tool.

    And don't worry, you still owe me 10.05Ts. you should think about how you're going to pay me back.

    P.s inappropriate pictures of bunneh will suffice ;)
  17. Thanks roni
  18. Everyone who participated 

    The organizers and judges 
  19. Let's see some high lifts. The ss of the best ones so we can all get some good laughs
  20. Congrats birdy and the rest of you lovely winners. The ragers were the best and the lil tea pot will forever have a place in my mind. it was a great weekend!!!