
Discussion in 'Wars' started by DJ_DOGGY, May 17, 2012.

  1. Mostly farmers posted here. Ur outa luck magoo
  2. Op is too weak to sit on
  3. Go and attempt to hunt a Pure evil member and see what the response is
  4.  I think I been dioflatedated it's a new word I made up but think appropriate iss person 
  5. This thread is NOT approved by Blood Orchid  Please ignore . OP is no longer a part of our training clan 
  6. And that takes care of that
  7. If he was bigger I would have farmed him myself 
  8. One time, a LONG time ago, I threw a baseball over old man Smitty's fence.

    I asked him to get it for me.

    He ignored me.

    I threw a rock at him, and he chased me.

    I climbed up on my neighbors garage roof and hid. (barefoot)

    When he left, I jumped down, and put a nail through my foot....

  9. I hate farmers. They ruin KaW. Should leave people alone to do ebs
  10. Lmao, I'm farming right now, make my day sucka.

  11. Nice sts come at me I'll gat a weaker at on ur ass faster then this post was posted tomorrow I'm tired
  12. Come at me bra!!! I farm 24/7
  13. I have a tree which makes violins and has horse hair and horses come from farms which u hate...p.s its also a game
  14. Approach me my brethren.
  15. Farming is what the game is about.
  16. It's "Approacheth thy vicinity, brethren"
  17. Come get me noob
  18. Did you know that by saying
    "you will be hunted by us"
    He meant himself and his stables from his stable build
    Watch out