The wheels on the bus go round and round, round and round, round and round, the wheels on the bus go round and round, all through the town. *bows*
Maybe i shouldnt have made immortal stop you have a horrible attitude. hmm maybe ill take care of u with an alt.
Good luck to the farmer,but he most likely won't need it Binary us just an attention whore trying to act like a big shot like me.
Let me guess?Op is mentally restarted but somehow he is considered normal at school,therefore making your work hard?
Tell the guy who was gonna help you to shut the **** up? Breaking news, you are still bein farmed. Cheers
ok well unluckily i dont care about how much school sucked give you no reason to be rude to other players... Now please stop being rude. or my alt will accidentally give u another reason to have an attitude.