Discussion in 'Strategy' started by NBK_pro_NBK, Mar 14, 2012.

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  1. Original poster , why not check the urban dictionary before asking questions that make you look like a noob
  2. i love it how nbk thinks he is "pro" when he has low stats lmao noobs these days im on Crysis's side lmao
  3. I never said i was pro ever heard of the clan HTC well it was like that and leader who is now -____cool____- was the leader so i didnt wanna reset but i changed names from _bobthepro_ to NBK_pro_NBK
  4. Cool story bro, tell it to someone who cares
  5. Haha i wasnt talkin to you
  6. I don't think he cares dork, didn't you read the post ? Or they just havent covered reading for beginners in school yet ?
  7. @op- I silenced you. You bypassed the censor on his/her wall.

    Please do not make accusations of someone requesting outside funds for in-game services. That is a serious accusation. If you have proof of that, please send it to Do NOT come to forums and lie about WHY you were silenced and then make accusations about a player with no proof whatsoever.

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