Discussion in 'Strategy' started by NBK_pro_NBK, Mar 14, 2012.

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  1. And how do you know that? Now you're just assuming.
  2. Like u lllll_noob_llllll like everyone here ur a noob terance is a canibal im a natural born killer
  3. You couldnt kill a fly.

    So natural?

    Please, die in a hole and save me the expense.

  4. Ok idc whoppidy freaking do i am gonna get banned from a video game i don't really care cuz i actually have a life
  5. Wait, did I just get called a cannibal? Lolwut?
  6. Then why were you arguing about it.
    For a natural born killer you sure are cowardly.
  7. How am i a coward and yes teranceEATSyou is ur hints the word eats and lllll_noob_llllll thats right i called u a NOOB
  8. :lol:


    The noobish brown killer is here!
  9. Shut up and take the silence like a man.
  10. Thats cuz my name is noob asshole. Im not really disturbed when u call me my name. o_O

    Have friends?
  11. I eat pixels. Pixels are not humans.
  12. Hmmm. Who wants to help pin mister bigmouth over here?
  13. Ok pin me what ever that means bet terance could do it faster than u noob just guessin
  14. Anytime noob cant even hit me
  15. Nbk. You'd better tread lightly. xXCrysisXx is protected. Also, why try to make an argument and not provide ANY screenshots to back yourself up?
  16. pro just so you know im not even at 30% troops yet. Im also bigger. Just a pots finder. I know you have to sleep sometime.
  17. It all got deleted orly protected
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