Dude I live for noob rage. I like love going all: On people. They are like stop it! Im reporting you cuz you hit me 6 times in 6 minutes! Im all like:
Umm kinda hard to show a ss cuz WHO EVER REPORTED ME *cough* *cough* got the devs to erase the convo and call me a noob all u want because all u so to say" pros" need to actually get a life besides staying inside and playing a video game like go outside if u even know the term and play get some friends
Lets review your last statement. you are actually implying that I (as in a LONE KAW PLAYER) actually got the devs to "delete the wall posts AND call you a noob." are you serious man? Come on now
I've had many people bypass on my wall. Did devs delete the posts? Noooope. Did mods? Nooooope. Choke on your lies!
They didnt cuz u didnt request to unlike goody two shoes over here who requested that just so he could say that
The posts were deleted after bellemorte told me to. she said, and i quote, "the user has been silenced. Please delete the offensive post." please stop trying to start conspiracies about the mods and the devs. they have more merit than you can ever wish to have. and by the way, youve been reported for falsely accusing me of hacking and of purposely spreading falsities to harm my reputation