Do u mind me saying something? IRONhulk has bloody 17462963754963 Strikes and nobody has farmed him yet...
Guardian/Enforcer Hit List Perma-Farm IRONhulk: Over 5 strikes Doomkid20: 5 THEBlade: 7ish Hit Sakeen: 3 Anonymous_1234: 4 Warning Cutiepie: 2 Abelard: 1 Tylershep3: 1 P.S. Cutiepie should have strikes. Ignorance is no excuse especially since she was warned AND posted on the rule thread. When you post, it is assumed that you read it.
This is ironhulk spamming away the day.our next song Is crazy train All aboard!!!!!! Hahaha bunuh bunuh bunuh tooodo. I listened to teachers I listened to fools and a dropout who made his own ruuuules.