FanFic Etiquette

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Smighter89, Dec 29, 2012.

  1. People write stories, ya know?

    Those are people looking for applicants to stories. There aren't many people here though so most of those go unfinished.
  2. I just meant there are so many of them, couldn't there be one thread that people go to for a character idea
  3. Eh, I dunno. Too many kinds of stories.

    A good idea, however. Maybe one huge thread containing combinations of different characters for different plots.

    I don't know, may be too complicated..

    If you haven't noticed, Fan Fiction is really looked over. Not many pay attention to it.
  4. Yea I read something about that, don't completely remember it though
  5. Added a #14.

    I'm afraid I'm going to start repeating myself.
  6. Coughcoughcoughsoundsfamiliar
  7. Bump for the new fan fiction writers.
  8. Bump for suggestions of updates?
  9. Bump, even though no one am leave. Thinking bout adding color.
  10. Puleaz colur
  11. Smighter! Look at the one I made a few years ago....x3
  12. Months* not years o-o
  13. If an author tells you not to bump their story,

    DO NOT BUMP IT. I don't freaking care if you want said author to write more, it's rude and unnecessary and only those looking for attention will continue to write something DnG (dead and gone, for those of you that did not read that terrible, terrible romance crap). It doesn't matter what you think. I don't care. But don't clog up a page with March threads because you're like "oh hey look this author writes **** angst."