FanFic Award Staff

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Nlaz, Jun 21, 2011.

  1. ^^^^^^^^^^I agree with myself^^^^^^^^^^
  2. what's the frown for? Was ut because of the thing i said at the bottom of the previous page? If so, I said I wasn't trying to be...rude or sarcastic, or anything else malicious...
  3. Lol. Sorry. Off topic here, but the FFA part reminds me of the FFA events held at my high school when I was going
  4. Future Farmers of America. FFA
  5. ^^^What a funny name ;)^^^
  6. Thats what I thought when I skimmed and saw FFA lol
  7. >.> y'all are horrible xD

  8. It annoys me how right you were, iZ.
  9. About what lol?

  10. That chapter is better I think since I've started rewriting...
  11. Toldja. See, ain't that my person skills talking haha?

  12. lol ironic that you never be finishing yours 
  13. ^^^that's me goin ghetto^^^
  14. Quite possibly. Considering the fact that I'm young, I might get my attention distracted and not focus. But I have more than 3 chapters unposted at the moment so I'll have time if I need it.

  15. Lol, good little...strategy...or whatever goin on. (~.~) <---my sleepy face!
  16. Uh huh...

  17. So...we ready yet?
  18. I'll ask later.
