Re: KaW Fan Fiction Superthread We need to make a place where we can record how many times someone has broken the constitution.
Re: KaW Fan Fiction Superthread Thank you for your support Benny. And the Constitution is like farming. Courtesy, but not an enforced rule by devs. I'll make sure I add that.
Re: KaW Fan Fiction Superthread I think we should begin to enforce the “do not post on a story unless your allowed" (or something like that) rule more
Re: KaW Fan Fiction Superthread Here's the url for the thread with the list of all of my stories lol. And I'm on staff right?
Re: KaW Fan Fiction Superthread We need to figure out staff... Would you like to be head of Human Resources, Feather? I'll let you determine ranks and related.
Re: KaW Fan Fiction Superthread I will do the updates tonight. I will only be availiable for updating on the following times this week: Sunday evening Most of Wednesday All of Saturday This is due to exam week. I apologize for inconviences.